SS430不锈钢钢板和HQ SS302螺钉配合安装,拆下螺钉发现钢板接触面磨损--如图。磨损将产生颗粒,影响产品性能。
不知道钢板换成铝合金板是否能避免表面磨损的问题? Galling is the welding of 2 mating parts due to excessive friction during fastenings. This can reduce the production yield of HDD.
Anti-Galling Fasteners
Unisteel pioneered anti-galling technologies in late 1999 to overcome what is termed as galling in the HDD industries.
Galling is the welding of 2 mating parts due to excessive friction during fastenings. This can reduce the production yield of HDD. Unisteel uses the CAMTRONIC and UNITRONIC materials to produce such anti-galling fasteners for HDD industry. Unisteel is amongst the leading manufacturer with technologies to produce such fasteners. 只能减轻,不能避免 原帖由 滕刚 于 2009-2-20 16:14 发表 http://bbs.cmiw.cn/images/common/back.gif