能满足下面技术指标的设备生产商,请联系我。把握商机哦8 @7 Z \/ O7 Q. j
CNC punching machine 5 v' W- m0 N+ Z! E( k2 X8 F$ ]
/ _4 r6 y5 d* N) t2 X( F% sSpecification 0 G: u- g9 v3 M0 N! {: S- [
1. working range (x)&(y)=2000x1300 mm without repositioning
7 y, s# V) v6 ?5 d) R3 ?, o' k2. max sheet thickness 6.5 mm for steel 8 s$ D2 A: b j1 j
3. punching tools of all shapes (rectangular, square, circular, oblong & special tools)
9 q# W# W5 U! U( q9 `7 l9 F7 [1 {4. tools holder - 20 or more * y, D0 c8 a7 i* U* v: c
5. supply quick set of tools & sharpping machine
; o. a& l1 e. p2 s; r6. spare parts for 2 years
1 S6 {8 h# p7 B" M& e/ _7. software and all programs and documents
% H* p Z) \ t* B: B1 B+ Z8. training of our staff in origin country for maintenance ad operating & z9 J, |8 N) R: I
9. manufacturing date must be 2007/2008 ! g8 K% R- B* O. v& P+ R& l
10. guaranty min 2 years 1 f1 W" b0 O4 T0 h' _
11. tool holders - qty50
6 G; \ ?, C& M12. spare tools from 1-10 mm - qty 100 for every tipe
# Q1 [/ }; k& o0 x3 k. U13. spare tools from 11-20 mm - qty 50 for every tipe
6 @2 |( [7 U% p- H9 V! N$ I# }14. spare tools from 21-50 mm - qty 25 for every tipe 4 D2 v- T* f1 U. d+ `+ Y
15. spare tools - qty 10 for other types % `. @* Y, ]( Y/ E0 P! g
16. nibbling opperations |