. \ {9 ], d) \" A0 _, w; d Not a new design by any means, but one that seemsto have finally been built. (previous similar designs by Wallinder andSkoog in 1923, Sensaud and Lavaud in 1938, and Elijah Galloway in 1846)- `" E* \: W" O0 e" n; \
Is not currently in development, as creator is now modifying Mazda engines for use in a chevy van (see the site)% i* g8 W, ~, X$ J8 c3 v
UPDATED 11/15/2002
$ f# }+ V' k- r, e1 v( `My bubble on this project was burst somewhat by a listing on thier siteof an air/water fueled starapex engine. It unfortunately defied thelaws of physics in its development, which makes me question otheraspects of the design. |