



楼主: 韩寒11


发表于 2018-4-20 16:07:34 | 显示全部楼层
技工lm 发表于 2018-4-18 16:34
2 H3 G# d- g& p8 v* K你是理解透了!我琢磨透以后自己做了一个,用了两年了
- f5 b- W3 B) r' x% K; d; }: s
我是卖这个的所以了解。你是真的厉害!自己搞定了偏摆的问题。其实你可以自己搞个牌子卖这个的哈哈9 t" H  J6 Z+ [; ]2 f
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-4-26 08:41:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-4-26 10:23:43 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-26 12:15:13 | 显示全部楼层
暗枪士 发表于 2018-4-26 08:419 C9 H# ?  l6 c: |* V, Z
( I- `) k6 T) X0 J! A
盲孔无法使用拉刀的: O4 t+ l7 u0 H6 L/ f9 w
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-4-28 07:15:19 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-5-17 09:29:07 | 显示全部楼层
回转冲削刀具 BROACHING Tool
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-5-17 15:22:51 | 显示全部楼层
****轉貼老外的DIY***A Homemade Rotary Broach(Idea from randyc on the Practical Machinist Forum)
6 H- _" \; ^( K[size=-1]Photos and text copyright 2014 by James P. RiserFor an upcoming project I need to have square holes. On the prototype I merely filed a round hole to shape. This will not do for production. I was very pleased to see a thread by randyc on the Practical Machinist Forum. His design for a rotary broach would work for my upcoming needs. This is my build of his design.7 b4 s& Q# ]! I+ B5 f6 Q
The machined parts for the rotary broaching tool are shown here. This is standard machining.& F# Y9 J- u% h2 C) R& `
Here is the ball bearing in position between the parts.
$ ?! ?5 S7 z' g1 F9 b  u% [9 iOn the left is the body of the holder with its offset depression. The piece on the right has a matching depression in one end. The other end was drilled and bored to hold the 10mm broaching tool.
/ `* r. `0 c2 S2 |3 ?  qA groove is needed in the bearing end of this holder. - S9 {/ C$ Q7 {' }

  y. s& ?( f# Z' _0 Z( nThe assembled parts are shown here. ' j  f8 X$ K" ?  G

& e+ }' E  X. y" D2 N  N( ^+ TThe holder was made from available tool steel pieces in my "scrap bin". The body is 1" diameter A-2 with one end turned down to 1/2" and the tool holder is 5/8" diameter W-1. The broach tool is made from 10mm HSS drill blank. This came in a 5" length and needed to be cut in half.9 c; V3 F6 h9 k7 e. q2 T: Y, F( ~
As with the original described on the Practical Machinist Forum, the 4 set screws merely keep the holder from falling apart. The set screws extend into the groove turned into the holder but do not clamp down on the holder. Wheel bearing grease lubes the ball bearing. (See full description of the construction in the thread by randyc).
) F* l8 Z! p. YThe drill blank was ground to the required shape on my old Gorton 375 grinder. The angle on the grinder was set to 2 degrees for clearance on the cutter as it broached the square hole. My plan was to have the tool angle greater than the usual 1 degree angle usually utilized on such tooling. I figured this would give me the "action" I desired.
; B+ y+ L* |# T. L" y& l( w8 t6 }1 U. ?7 w0 l
The grinding - start to finish (the brass is a bushing I made to hold 10mm rod in a 1/2" collet):
4 ^9 V# |( I( ?6 U! M8 i6 {
* v4 A7 d- j/ C
  D1 ~- C% E4 d9 D$ S7 r" ~The depth of the grind was controlled so that all four faces of the cutter matched. 7 J% j/ x; u/ T' i) |0 r  Y6 j% F

2 e( c1 o2 U9 s1 X
. k, X0 G. Y. ?I decided to try something new on the end or tip grind. Most sources suggest a concave end, randyc indicated that a flat grind will remain sharp longer than concave. I adjusted the tool to be centered on the grinding wheel to grind a curved tip. The theory being that it would be a compromise between a concave and flat grind with all 4 corners being sharp. The approach angle was set to 0 degrees for this grind.8 o# V$ }- U* a; @

( d7 n) r5 x! zThe final tip grind matches the curvature of the grinding wheel./ P) R1 h# `5 p+ |" ?
A close up of the cutting tip:
9 _6 M4 D# T2 h% D' G" E
% F6 @+ y2 Z: f1 S6 MThe whole project was now ready for testing on a scrap piece of aluminum. The test was done on my old drill press at slowest speed.; F/ r" b) e# ~+ R& t

- `( X7 i+ ?' I$ _9 G4 V) i3 `6 f+ t/ s + X5 s! Q- v& [+ O
  H/ @% F9 U8 l% L
9 X4 b6 C2 D' |3 X4 d: T3 I
0 S* R; \$ e0 k; P1 j2 v! C+ K
Notice the three holes. The one at the bottom is just a 1/4" hole.. ~; O8 K& {! M5 s4 y
A countersink was used on the other two holes.4 @# m) @: k! M1 c' r# U9 s
The tool tip was pressed into the countersunk depression to center it then the drill press turned on.( n* V$ u1 T4 U3 W- o5 g% H
The tool quietly broached its way through the aluminum as hoped.
& ~! q- y/ \& }: Z8 n! n 3 Q. V$ u  C- k. J
( N5 p5 M, k! ~8 n  [+ X( D6 X+ _

% Y. t' J: _1 E7 q* L % {. E1 A+ {  t

, \6 o5 F2 v' l: N3 A 3 m4 c5 f# E, W) Y- k
) S6 K: |: F0 `- D0 b" h. u) }

) N4 n& V: ~/ |4 g) ]' o* DHere is the result of my first trial - it worked beautifully!
  t/ b- t4 k; V7 K , q- I1 E4 l( S

3 T( l  K  c1 B' C7 h
, R" V: p; e* `% j3 O


原理一样,但是创新点独特、简练!赞、赞!赞!  发表于 2018-6-11 09:26
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-5-17 15:43:18 | 显示全部楼层
5 Y/ y9 f) ]( I/ h2 n/ x( Z- t4 u! E+ O# G( h8 K2 c) e
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发表于 2018-7-9 10:26:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-7-20 13:43:45 | 显示全部楼层
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