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德国overbeckd 的机床怎么样?

发表于 2008-1-4 20:43:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 o* _3 b; J0 M& W/ k
: X" Z0 A6 T6 H另外该公司名,OVERBECK 对应的中文名称是什么?请教!

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发表于 2008-1-6 16:02:03 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-7 03:40:56 | 显示全部楼层
[quote]原帖由 蔚蓝天空 于 2008-1-6 16:02 发表
5 \. l. ]% G* k# F; |! |/ n是德国的一个磨床制造商,现属于西班牙达诺巴特集团 [/quote
# |- @1 k" B- x' H5 a9 l6 H/ j( a5 N
, L) r3 j* d0 G1 E3 q' ]# ^, x" O1 U. k5 M
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发表于 2008-1-9 10:11:33 | 显示全部楼层
1924 Gustav Overbeck, master of mechanics, opens a workshop for precision engineering in Herborn.  ; c! y$ X* U3 Z# l3 S

& p4 _$ d0 s" ^) N* [4 J% W0 Z  + f! U' \, k: V) b* `
1934 The Overbeck company receives big orders from the aircraft industry. Based on the orders developement and technical improvement of the Overbeck special drilling and polishing machines are attained.   2 H7 |( U# o  k: f8 {# d% @

- F+ T4 a3 ~+ {+ Y2 d5 d' V  
9 `+ m& x2 F/ K1969 The production programme consists of internal and external grinding machines and transfer lines. Electro-hydraulic operated grinding machines, standard machines or fully automatic machines, are controlled by new developed devices. The high precision Overbeck grinding machines on high technical standard are supplied to many big projects abroad. Overbeck has a good name in the world for high precision and technique.   / X/ k  B4 I) s4 {) @1 f1 m
* Y8 P* a# y# ~2 b
% V5 v/ V4 C4 i. _% ?) @+ q1975 The manufacturing programme is expanded. The new precision external grinding machine type 600 R, to be quoted for all kinds of automatic production, widens the possibilities of the Overbeck precision grinding machines.   
5 f* D. T! J* K$ c5 K4 k1 I* } 3 Z, ]9 n! ]$ A3 Y1 ]
5 J7 {  r% N5 ]2 Z$ E! V5 L, h1977 The series of internal grinding machines 250 I / 400 I are expanded with  the 600 I series. By this series Overbeck now can quote internal grinding machines up to an internal grinding diameter of 250 mm. & N4 m+ B! X2 V4 ^6 n8 {
The series of internal grinding machines 600 I can also be quoted for all kinds of automatic production.9 H  U) s# u4 K9 \3 Q6 e1 p
2 T2 f6 C$ u' s: v& \: [
- g& ?6 B0 `5 c  0 l; }/ ?1 G- C4 t7 o' K, J0 O. H( d
1978 A grinding and drilling machine is developed and integrated in the manufacturing programme, a machine for universal use with tool shops and mechanical engineering.   
- }' }# K" ?3 J4 M( [/ i/ @) ~, m 7 b9 x! S$ [3 ]& {& h( y
$ |+ q; S: o1 O. u$ F* D1 ~7 G1988 Development of special grinding machines for the bearing industry (Flange Grinder).  % y6 Z! S) B0 ~2 g. b: U+ W, B
8 Z  j. I2 L$ |* b  }
  ( |9 a' T% k6 j3 ^7 M. p
1990 Development of NC external grinding machines, fully automated, for diesel injection needles.  $ ~, G, h4 \6 e' a
8 k' A. t* Z* P  g
) b" @. `$ R2 I; }1995 Develop of new internal grinders product range series IC.   7 ]/ q( D' h& @9 l" ~
( b6 L7 z1 Q3 ?4 p) v% t9 z
  / k- s3 t, {3 G5 h7 n: \  o9 X
1998 Development of high speed grinding machines 140m/s for gear shafts.  " F1 Y, W) R" u" {& v2 }! f0 ~" U4 i% M: c

1 J7 r0 |* r" c! i# g  B  
# Q* ~$ b& S' Y! I2002 Overbeck became part of Danobat Group.    j3 h; L, I3 p1 j* I4 I  ~: `

5 v6 Z. ~5 e; c8 A8 a8 b  
$ `5 Q9 J3 t- i6 N- t9 M* X4 S2003 Market the new linear motor grinding machines, for application in horizontal and vertical grinders ID, IEV models.
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发表于 2008-1-9 10:19:27 | 显示全部楼层
6 ?( ^% e! F5 TOVERBECK is a company integrated in DANOBAT GROUP.; q* I9 L) K- p. P! e& ?
During 75 years and supplying more than 9000 machines all around the world. OVERBECK is specialized in supplying grinding process focussed on developing technical solutions in a close collaboration with our customers using the latest mechanics and grinding process technologies to allow reduction in lost of the final customer process as well as an increase of quality standards.
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发表于 2008-1-9 13:45:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-1-10 00:20:51 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.soraluce.com/soraluce ... &productid=1127
$ m4 J! ]* b; \# D5 |! P* [& Y" L0 ]; a) o! i2 Z* \0 o
Die IRC / IRD Serie der Hochpräzisions- Innenschleifmaschinen wurden entwickelt für die Erreichung höchster Genauigkeiten von Form- und Lagetoleranzen für Innen- und Kegelschleifen verschiedenster Werkstücke.
  _& g3 g- G6 Y- s: X" I8 T& G! r3 z( L
Die Maschine ist mit einer speziellen Radiussoftware ausgestattet welche die Interpolation automatisch kalkuliert.
: a  d/ W7 J& Z6 Q1 ^, y, {$ y) x
) X7 y  V7 o3 Z; [7 c, B9 rIRC: Achsenantrieb mit Kugelgewindespindeln.
% u: m& j0 _* h. h$ i5 KIRD: Achsenantrieb mit Linearmotoren.
9 H4 C# I+ P: {" }: Q% b, O, I/ n7 J8 E0 X9 u8 P+ I+ ~1 x$ N% }2 b
, ]- L5 Q0 A- H$ K其中IRC/IRD 系列是一款经过改进的满足对不同工件的内圆及锥面进行高精度研磨的-内磨机+ ?7 u7 a- M5 D. h
- r: T" B  y  _. p0 u. ]IRC: 螺纹转轴传动  O9 P( o: S! I: ]/ b( y0 {
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发表于 2008-1-10 00:26:53 | 显示全部楼层
技术参数的解释:  a+ ~, i/ P( [8 |
Schleifbare Länge    (可研磨长度)" w! _6 e6 }& c' g0 Z
Schleifbarer Durchmesser     (可研磨直径)         
7 b2 P7 f) U( e, I: L) tWerkstückgewicht (inkl. Spannmittel)  (工件质量)(相对夹具)
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发表于 2008-1-10 00:39:50 | 显示全部楼层
5 @" X4 y/ u2 L' g7 i4 W; gIC/ID : 也是内圆及锥面加工,但精度没IRC/IRD的高.- D! e& b1 ?5 Z7 V7 s2 x
FG: 超高精度圆磨床,可加工弯曲外圆表面9 P& G3 b6 ^9 a, e  s. [7 b
IG: 可加工内圆与平面) a& w$ Z7 ^$ e8 |: \* C
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-12 03:43:55 | 显示全部楼层
9 }, g2 k# j! a' F! |- u% I+ t" w* e5 E: B. j( r  m1 |0 l! z
" N# \- B+ R, L, ?0 X
8 |' S# N5 p, c5 }& O9 B( m9 p: T总算有个大概的了解!谢谢兄弟
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