本帖最后由 动静之机 于 2016-3-21 09:48 编辑
此后,俄国人雅布洛奇科夫(Jablochkoff)发明的“电烛”问世。它的做法是用绝缘的熟石膏将两个炭极隔开。当“电烛”被点燃时,绝缘层就与炭棒同速燃烧发出白炽光。从本质上看,这种“电烛”也是一种电弧灯,只是稍省些电。雅布洛奇科夫“电烛”在 1877 年被用作巴黎的歌剧院门前大道的照明,和伦敦泰晤士河岸的部分照明,但是这种“电烛”不能持久,最长也只能用两个小时。
某某百科的鸟语内容(中文的哪去了。。。 http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-347375-1-1.html ):
A Yablochkov candle consists of a sandwich of two long carbon blocks, approximately 6 by 12 millimetres in cross-section, separated by a block of inert material such as plaster of paris or kaolin. There is a small piece of fuse wire or carbon paste linking the two carbon blocks at the top end. The assembly is mounted vertically into a suitable insulated holder. 雅布洛奇科夫电烛呈三明治结构,由两根横截面大约6x12毫米的长碳棒内夹一片绝缘材料,比如熟石膏(和巴黎有毛关系?点这里) 或者高岭土(这个名字很中国哦 点这里 终于挽回点面子)构成。两根碳棒顶端之间由一小段引燃丝或者碳浆涂层连接。该组件垂直安装在绝缘底座上。
On application of the electric supply, the fuse wire 'blows' and strikes the arc. The arc then continues to burn, gradually consuming the carbon electrodes (and the intervening plaster) as it does so. The first candles were powered by a Gramme machine. 开始供电的那一瞬,引燃丝熔断并点燃电弧。电弧持续燃烧,逐渐烧蚀碳棒(和中间的熟石膏),电烛早先时候由gramme直流电机供电。
Electrodes last about two hours or until the power is cut. A classic Yablochkov candle cannot be relit, since the fuse wire between the electrodes has been consumed. Later versions of the candle, however, included powdered metal in the inert separator. This would act as a new fuse wire, allowing a half-burnt candle to be restarted once extinguished.电极的寿命大约2小时,或者因断电提前挂掉。早期的雅布洛奇科夫电烛不能重新点燃, 因为顶端的引燃丝已经(在上一次点燃时)用掉了。后续的版本在中间的绝缘体中掺杂了金属粉末,充当了新的引燃丝,可以让中途熄火的电烛重新启用。
The advantage of the design over other carbon arc designs is that it removes the need for a mechanical regulator to maintain the appropriate distance between the carbon blocks to sustain the arc.与其他碳棒电弧(灯)设计相比,该设计的先进之处是取消了用于调节碳棒间距以维持电弧的机械调节机构。
http://www.edisontechcenter.org/ArcLamps.html 这里比较详细地介绍了一些照明灯具的历史,能看到各种恐龙级调节机构。
Left: the Yablochkov (Jablochkoff) candle was the first product, it had two carbon rods side by side (see illustration) separated by a laster, it burned down from the top with the arc begin kept at the idea gap width. This was a way to get around the problem of feeding two carbon rods together in the regular lamp model. It was a simple operation to replace the rods when finished. The device produced an unsteady light that would range from dark purple to bright white. Sometimes it went out, which would lead to the entire series of lamps (up to six) going out. But it was a important step and the first commercially successful electric light.
毛熊的民族性格可能是将各种复杂的解决方案认为是“技术恐龙”,总希望寻找一种“一击命中”的解决之道, 很多时候确实高效。
比如太空笔的故事, 西方公司投巨资研发,又是充气,又是密封,千百次试验,终于成功。 毛熊说,俺用铅笔(原意)中不中?
然而谁能走的更远, 大家都看到了。