【20160419】Spur Gear Selection( ?! T0 B( j# m% @# {
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Because the majority of gears in operation are AGMA standard, the designer only needs to determine the key parameters. These parameters are the diametral pitch, pressure angle, and number of teeth on each gear., Z m: |* ]+ M
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V7 x5 | @4 d4 ZDiametral Pitch:
; J; h' d" u+ H: X" E8 pAn estimate of suitable diametral pitch can be made with knowledge of the nominal power that is transmitted by the gear pair, the rotational speed of the pinion, and the gear material.
4 P: A9 D. d! E T/ Y- w已知正压力、小齿轮转速和齿轮材质后,可对径节进行预估。" @- g3 a2 x J) \1 p
# N5 i- ?: f( y8 e* Z$ h4 aPressure Angle:
; j0 S5 @6 ^% PThe standard values of pressure angles are 141⁄2°, 20°, and 25°. Gears with pressure angles of 20° are well suited for general applications. Gears with pressure angles of 25°can be smaller without a concern for interference but have less efficient force transmission. Therefore, they are best suited for high-speed and lower-power applications.
" P( a# t0 _6 P0 [& A6 H压力角的标准值为 141⁄2°, 20°和 25°。20°对大多数情况适用。 25°干涉不明显但传递效率降低。因此并不十分适合高速低能场合。
& a$ s3 Y9 ?: j
& ^8 d" Q: Y6 ^% g) m- o
Number of Teeth:( |/ X0 R4 P2 k2 f
In general, smaller gears are preferred because they minimize size, weight, and cost. The minimum size is determined by interference criteria.
4 G' }( g( T7 ]' d( Z齿越小,齿轮尺寸、重量和花费也就更小。最小尺寸由干涉定律决定。3 I# h8 l% R8 \- o) j
4 C% P" R' m! n( Y9 i6 g
5 e' o# J/ S% h) T& y) a& ?8 s |