) a7 A3 t5 Q, H8 p/ G( a+ I, A! |5 N# O, e2 s) ~" Q- d0 O
Velocity analysis : determination of velocity in a linkage.: Q7 x. n0 g% ^# b3 W4 s4 L% }6 b
速度分析:决定构件速度的分析。9 m8 Q8 V/ Q, `
6 S* S7 i: C, l# Y- \
Two common analysis methods:
" ?% {3 K+ b1 d# P& jRelative velocity method
( g$ K. I. ^3 |$ q" e YInstantaneous center method
, o9 r9 q, k" a- X3 A% ?两种常用方法:相对速度法和速度瞬心法。& U3 S* D8 q; e
; }0 Z/ u7 W! X E3 D6 SRelative velocity: the velocity of one object is related to that of another reference object, which can also be moving.4 Y8 z5 ^# t8 Z7 D, ]: s! p
6 |4 U2 w( A0 q( d: P( ?6 l% f( T
$ I o Q9 b8 g4 Q; x3 OVA = absolute velocity of point A
+ y4 o+ _, n; pVB/A= relative velocity of pointBwith respect to A
! [, w* e- S" t相对速度的一些记法。
! v( N( y' U C
4 {8 ?4 e: G1 _! k9 V0 PInstant center: a instantaneous pivot point about which the particular link instantaneously appears to be in pure rotation.
$ I$ d; g! A! E0 X. e7 D速度瞬心:在运动的瞬时可看做是旋转中心的点。7 U: C7 j: _6 H$ d
5 d. M$ `* J5 x$ ?; R7 [