



楼主: 黑森林的鹿


发表于 2016-3-24 13:13:58 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-24 21:24:58 | 显示全部楼层
【20160324】Slider-Crank Mechanism
: z" r) E/ _, z9 Z  m% H; V
7 O( I1 M( C) ?9 F# u0 r$ s
Another mechanism that is commonly encountered is a slider-crank. This mechanism also consists of a combination offour links, with one being designated as the frame. This mechanism, however, isconnected by three pin joints and one sliding joint. A mechanism that drives a manual water pump is shown in Figure 1.37a. The corresponding kinematic diagram is givenin Figure 1.37b.
7 W1 M/ F$ M& d. E7 l( \4 T( ?曲柄滑块机构也很常见。事实上它也是由4个构件组成,只是其中之一被指定为机架。另外,此机构是以3个转动副、一个滑动副连接的。图示为手摇泵及其运动图示。
6 v% @5 W3 ], w' }1 V- ]2 o) Q, j2 w  i$ J0 F0 a
9 p1 O8 q# f7 ^9 ~
9 r- Q% j: n2 G 未命名图片.png
9 R% {# p& x) p* C
& t/ \, c/ b+ S! v
Because the slider-crank mechanism has one degree of freedom, it is constrained or fully operated with one driver. The pump in Figure 1.37 is activated manually by pushing on the handle (link 3). In general, the pivoted link connected to the frameis called the crank. This link is not always capable of completing a full revolution. The link that translates is calledthe slider. This link is the piston/rod of the pump in Figure1.37. The coupler or connecting rod “couples” the motion of the crank to the slider.4 }. }' ~: o  G. d
! d8 V4 _4 Y2 E' A1 J  c4 M/ u0 ?. k1 i6 _" q
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-24 21:25:26 | 显示全部楼层
风雪关怀 发表于 2016-3-24 13:13 / L5 |* ^+ Z2 ]5 A" [
5 y- _$ a# C$ G; m' \. L. w. l7 X
$ Q9 H( H  g: g5 N9 Z8 J0 b" Q3 |
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发表于 2016-3-25 15:13:17 | 显示全部楼层
努力 祝你成功


谢谢您的鼓励!会继续努力的!  发表于 2016-3-25 18:49
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-25 18:48:50 | 显示全部楼层
【20160325】Position and Displacement Analysis
. w8 }, q& m# ~9 O; q; F4 G) }) j# w9 x* I5 d
Objectives:  n: B5 C/ n4 K; Y
1. Determine the position of all links in a mechanism as the driver links are displaced.
' X7 v" N! A" Q7 ]5 t) K% T2. Determine the limiting positions of a mechanism.
& c) H9 Z& [: d, W6 s+ c' E) i& F目标:( H  I0 f2 f  }, M! C
$ v1 \, a8 m/ @$ }3 j( {( Z2.确定机构的极限位置。; d6 h1 P% y, f, m- W: F

; g* G  m6 y$ W/ t% CTwo types of methods7 ~3 s' @1 r9 S4 s/ h
  • GraphicalAnalysis
  • AnalyticalAnalysis# G+ @+ d! E/ m
3 j0 n! Y8 a5 F( o+ N+ z* E/ [' A& s
. A, {# Z' {: r3 N6 C2 m) OPosition and displacement analysis:
2 P* c5 ]3 m- |. Olocating the position of all links (configuration) in amechanism as the driver link(s) is displaced.
; p+ E5 w) U0 P/ z% _定义:在主动件位置已知的情况下确定其余构件的位置。5 ^) @$ q; P8 j$ N1 @
# X8 V  a- L; M% R" [# h
Graphical Analysis, q# V( e) I) r
图解法分析步骤4 _/ @- e- V# g& {# @4 c8 i2 [
Cha 03-2016.jpg 6 c& h! d% K3 f9 w/ \; t
1.Point B moves to B’0 _. G) A4 o) z3 F
2.Point C must always lay on its constrained path & C9 E% Y9 E2 A0 E
3.The length between B and C must stay constant
/ j  D5 n6 L# v' v9 L画主动件→画定轴转动轨迹→连杆长度不变→交点1 D# l* m2 I5 e' L: v" f# [/ A. _
$ G6 Y, v+ t2 \- T) {; R
Analytical Analysis
! w5 ~; q) d6 M: m解析法3 l0 D4 k% n# [1 x

8 \' W# w& ^- ?# F0 y 未命名图片.png $ P" y4 _- }0 Y% v! k
+ Y$ j, B$ T% a  K& F) p9 p
Limiting position9 c9 f- f5 H; X1 Z( z
The configuration of a mechanism that places one of the follower links in an extreme location is called a limiting position.
$ [4 h' H/ m/ R0 [从动件之一处于其极限位置的机构位置称极限位置。
9 z& x  d) p% ]: ~; `" ]3 N5 S 未命名图片.png 未命名图片.png 9 s: f2 I3 R, R9 v: \9 c! [6 h
The crank and coupler become collinear.
4 p! p/ {% i% A# h5 o# b7 ^) UImbalance angle
- the angle between the coupler configuration at the two limiting positions.+ ]) e7 I% f: q5 v
曲柄和连杆共线时达到极限位置;; x. I% C9 f8 U
! E5 A: Q5 O8 x0 m& G5 k' T, J
( k5 W5 K$ E% m9 `# \; f4 QTransmission Angle
& j+ G7 L0 h3 z  j! f
The mechanical advantage ( output force/ input force) is proportional to the sine of the transmission angle.7 |6 H6 b5 B0 p9 [  t
机械增益(输出力比输入力)与传动角的正弦成正比。1 s9 L1 U5 w! [4 B6 K9 p* f

) D1 w, M, u2 q# a# y) `: d; P
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-26 15:40:53 | 显示全部楼层
【20160326】Mechanism design6 X1 [. i0 ?4 C( G: {

2 Y4 E. h0 E0 cThe task of mechanism design: given a desired motion, a mechanism form and dimensions must be determined.- T/ M. V4 j4 k0 j1 y) c/ |
- c2 {1 B. _* B4 |( ]/ d5 u, o) a9 P& ?$ F8 Q1 d8 E, u# o
Synthesis: describe the process of designing a mechanism that produces a desired output motion for a given input motion.
9 y6 I  i8 k9 r构型综合:描述给定输入运动实现输出运动的机构设计过程。9 c) c5 w  B- b" U# H
/ P; B+ _. k) b, o
1 v+ E+ p, u" f2 M4 r% iType synthesis: selecting a mechanism type
. C5 v# ]9 b; F9 d  zDimensional synthesis: determining the link lengths
4 J6 Q/ Z1 i8 J" Y( W4 G7 ]1 ~; ^  f/ M. M! q1 L; {7 W
Time Ratio
; a. k1 D: _9 k  T- j' z: s2 B; k# h9 i- d
Kinematically balanced mechanisms:the motion characteristics of the outward stroke are identical to those of the inward stroke.
( e2 b8 O7 [5 X运动对称机构:内外冲程等时。2 w8 ]% ]9 `( c2 |6 Z0 D
Quick-return mechanisms:difference in the speed of the forward and return strokes.
- ~; s. o' F1 s! j2 ?" C5 \( l急回机构:冲程不等时。" p  o( N6 O/ l$ r: X0 D4 S

: |7 [, C8 f1 X# N+ x+ G! LWorking stroke: smoothing the surfaces of metal. ( slower) 工作冲程7 v* b( S& Y; E' P6 t
Return stroke:nothing to do. ( quicker) 急回冲程. b+ t$ k' u6 B8 L, n% X4 N

3 ^! B4 @+ L7 b% T5 q( DTime ratio: a measure of the quick return action of a mechanism2 F& ]9 T0 m+ w( l4 Z  R. w
1 T* |/ T% u, N* \ Cha 04-2016.jpg . L  Z0 Q" B7 L% j5 s4 u
! c: z9 c6 v3 Y0 f
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-27 20:47:03 | 显示全部楼层
【20160327】Design of Slider-Crank Mechanisms' R; s3 r+ ^5 B; F3 ?! }
0 l$ o: L# i* Q) M
$ H( ?4 }8 L: a5 `
In-line slider-crank mechanism: has the crank pivot coincident with the axis of the sliding motion of piston pin.
7 E5 x( T8 d# n( o% D3 ?% ~曲柄轴心与滑块运动轨迹共线。
7 F/ F) |/ \" _  I- u 未命名图片.png 0 M  n0 j4 B1 ~% m. K1 m, o7 w
In-line slider-crank mechanism produces balanced motion.
6 g; o  D/ ~# `. O/ B7 a/ j该机构产生平衡运动。/ X% y5 a6 _! _1 ^
# ~  z9 \% S8 W
Offset slider-crank mechanism: has the crank pivot not coincident with the axis of the sliding motion of pin.$ N, y7 Y5 \8 q& b& d
曲柄轴心与滑块运动轨迹不共线。& z3 J3 W, {7 Z! b  U# C
& d% ~2 k+ z$ NDetermining an appropriate offset distance, L1, and the two links lengths, L2 and L3, to achieve the desired stroke, |ΔR4|max, and imbalance angle.
8 B+ J9 y  s/ X& W确定补偿距离及构件杆长以获得需要的冲程、极位夹角。2 [& j7 q2 N2 A9 r& O4 G
* D- V* T, g( @
$ u' z+ N7 r% b2 i2 w' ~6 o  h, MThe stroke, |ΔR4|max, and imbalance angle are given, determining an appropriate offset distance, L1, and the two links lengths, L2and L3.
2 h7 z% ]$ m$ Q- s+ l常见题型,给定冲程、极位夹角,确定补偿距离及构件杆长。
! a: O: O& X: d7 h' l* x9 f, q' R  ]5 \/ O5 x- @
解题公式:, R% J2 V# g' ?: S
未命名图片.png 0 v' }$ y. {9 z, e# ~! f/ X8 u' r

9 V# ^" {2 v" C) m8 i


我要看你什么时候坚持不下去呢,哈哈!开玩笑.这层红色加深部分后面有一段乱码,编辑一下咯.应该是鼠标拉的时候拉多了  发表于 2016-3-29 08:01
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发表于 2016-3-28 09:30:06 | 显示全部楼层
顶顶顶% |  c8 W  N$ Y% w


哈哈,小南还真是好关注我呀!谢谢谢谢!一起加油!O(∩_∩)O~  发表于 2016-3-28 20:13
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发表于 2016-3-28 13:15:56 | 显示全部楼层
加油4 _8 E) `0 C; G' ^' `2 f  @


谢啦!  发表于 2016-3-28 20:14
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发表于 2016-3-28 16:28:11 | 显示全部楼层


恩恩,谢谢!  发表于 2016-3-28 20:14
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