【20160319】Commonly Used Links and Joints
+ A9 F( w2 i6 ]: d1 k5 e) b# M
! A. ^5 ^) J8 G9 g- jEccentric Crank
3 v) b0 ^" C( b& WOn many mechanisms, the required length of a crank is so short that it is not feasible to fitsuitably sized bearings at the two pin joints. A commonsolution is to design the link as an eccentric crankshaft, as shown in Figure 1.23a. This is the design used in most engines and compressors.
# R( n9 I$ H8 }8 X8 ?偏心曲柄,由于尺寸过小而不能保证铰合处销钉尺寸合适。
$ M- k( q1 }9 E7 e
' v- v5 M* T/ J) Q- \: z0 v
The pin, on the moving end of the link, is enlarged such that it contains the entire link. The outside circumference of the circular lobe on the crankshaft becomes the moving pin joint, as shown in Figure 1.23b. The location of the fixed bearing, or bearings, is offset from the eccentric lobe. This eccentricity of the crankshaft, e , is the effective length of the crank. Figure 1.23c illustrates a kinematic model of the eccentric crank. The advantage of theeccentric crank is the largesurface area of the moving pin, which reduces wear.2 `1 b/ g0 ?( V; B/ x
$ l L8 w/ q% C. Z7 {# I
5 U+ P. w; H: |* e$ u4 D9 k: IPin-in-a-Slot Joint
# _# j j+ `, r6 c8 ?6 k8 EA common connection between links is a pin-in-a-slot joint, as shown in Figure 1.24a. This is a higher-order joint because it permits the two links to rotate and sliderelative to each other. To simplify the kinematic analysis, primary joints can be used to model this higher-order joint. The pin-in-a-slot joint becomes a combination of a pin joint and a sliding joint, asin Figure 1.24b. Note that this involves adding an extra link to the mechanism. In both cases, the relative motion between the links is the same. However, using a kinematic model with primary joints facilitates the analysis.( b. z& U5 Q6 b3 j- s- }
. m& }* m; |; p$ d
# u. ^$ I, W2 L3 L4 X# [' N0 s
Screw Joint0 L- y0 p [9 I$ q
A screw joint, as shown in Figure 1.25a, is another common connection between links. Screw mechanisms are discussed in detail in Chapter 12. To start with, a screw joint permits two relative, but dependent, motions between the links being joined. A specific rotation of one link will cause an associated relative translation between the two links. For example, turning the screw one revolution may move the nut along the screw threads a distance of 0.1 in. Thus, only one independent motion is introduced.
* Q3 i- m: g7 l5 G; ~* R$ P( Y螺纹连接只有一个自由度,因为轴向运动和转动是相关的。
- A* l+ W1 I3 P& X. i$ Z
2 I9 ]; J8 |: D4 S( _$ J4 rA screw joint is typically modeled with a sliding joint, as shown in Figure 1.25b. It must be understood that out-of plane rotation occurs.However, only the relative translation between the screw and nut is considered in planar kinematic analysis.
. c5 B4 c7 L8 h2 C: z可以简化为平面铰接,但必须注意还有空间旋转,虽然在研究时不考虑。
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4 i E9 Y6 G; @' U" X" | |