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发表于 2015-11-6 10:48:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 zerowing 于 2015-11-6 10:48 编辑 , f/ q9 `9 i4 D1 l
8 @, y" U/ F: J1 v3 U$ p' H5 o
恩,以后就以这个为标题形成一个系列了。每周更新一次。感谢关注。0 T* W2 _* x, T

" m; w) M; i6 S4 PStrong forces make antimatter stick
1 g+ q" d+ i( d7 a1 Q9 g2 q# `6 m
1 e+ r% i' b9 K3 G5 i; f

! q# a; b- t9 M; C# l! ^  q( ~3 H& F& j7 I8 G

: o, N8 x' _( U0 v- U% B7 JPhysicists have shed new light on one of the greatest mysteries in science: Why the Universe consists primarily of matter and not antimatter.4 u5 i- z8 [4 X, K, D: R7 Z
7 h, }4 G3 s6 O7 z
1 l  p+ v1 w- P6 a
Antimatter is a shadowy mirror image of the ordinary matter we are familiar with.
; K# u4 t* I9 i# J# O8 ?! b
4 r0 {3 n& W5 r
For the first time, scientists have measured the forces that make certain antimatter particles stick together.
* [# A5 l; @, q
4 j% O$ P) g- o3 M% ~
The findings, published in Nature, may yield clues to what led to the scarcity of antimatter in the cosmos today.
+ S! w2 Y1 H: y$ j6 O- @

3 X4 `* Z; v1 ?2 `: L7 f
The forces between antimatter particles - in this case antiprotons - had not been measured before. If antiprotons were found to behave in a different way to their "mirror images" (the ordinary proton particles that are found in atoms) it might provide a potential explanation for what is known as "matter/antimatter asymmetry".

6 C3 y' j& z! F5 T3 d1 j
( [7 P8 K5 ]1 h/ E, h6 i: c. U
At the beginning of the Universe, the Big Bang produced matter and antimatter in equal amounts. But that's not the world we see today: instead antimatter is extremely rare.

7 k( [, u, K+ [% P
7 w: X- G0 m6 k/ `; L
Some phenomenon must have led to the overwhelming dominance of matter; scientists have their theories, but the evidence remains elusive.
2 L3 h) O* G% z+ `
" r8 X: U/ R+ ?6 i
"Although this puzzle has been known for decades and little clues have emerged, it remains one of the big challenges of science," said co-author Aihong Tang, from the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, US.
, o5 w. |, y- _8 [# }
  Y7 t) f* R$ w
"Anything we learn about the nature of antimatter can potentially contribute to solving this puzzle."

& |' ^/ E! |" H6 M& U6 N  l: |

% E- P+ P) {" Q
: C! j3 n* z. c9 C  `9 v; {5 c' ?, G物理学家新近揭示科学界一大未解之谜:为什么宇宙主要由物质组成,而非反物质。
- @9 D$ M% V: E+ L
7 H, x) O& |! q正如我们所熟悉的那样,反物质是物质的一个阴暗镜像(性质相反,但却难以看到)。
2 d2 q+ P" |" c/ A% K6 U* x/ B; Q
1 x. V1 v( l+ [- a* c' ?而也是第一次,科学家们成功测量连接反物质粒子间的结合力。
  i$ J% E* ]" g' a/ Z2 R$ d, o: g0 x$ i
这篇发表在 自然 网站上的研究,可能会解开导致反物质在现在宇宙中稀缺的秘密。
" X: Y. f$ K; i2 Z$ i$ e0 p$ W7 O- x6 Y0 r- b
6 L' f! y$ l) p/ `* M' S+ n3 f2 P, A+ m1 m
7 |  f* F/ r% i1 ^" p
, j% @6 h; Y& e3 m, a; K4 f- c3 w; g因此,一定发生了一些会导致物质以压倒性优势显现出来的现象。对此,科学家们各执一词,但却一直无法证实。
8 f7 D2 [( A% }6 r7 ~0 d2 K, ^) G: p% K( Q' v# s* ~
”尽管这个难题已经被认知了几十年,而且我们也发现了一些蛛丝马迹,但他依旧是科学届的一大挑战!“合著者,来自美国纽约布鲁克海文国家实验室的 爱红﹒唐介绍说,“任何一个我们发现到的关于反物质的本质都可能帮我们破解这个难题。”

; _4 T5 ^4 b' [0 j6 F* `% J7 D5 ~4 i
( t4 `/ b  n9 o! W4 s, B$ m1 M6 C, |
# Y7 ~7 M9 A" z0 \; _
' {+ D, j9 Q3 \6 [  P% t! v) _
Thankfully, antimatter can be produced by particle accelerators - albeit in tiny amounts - giving scientists the opportunity to study its properties.
$ ~: k! H6 Y# y
Using a particle smasher called the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven, physicists were able to measured the force of interaction between pairs of antiprotons.

* c% K) q& e/ F7 z5 ?( D3 c4 K6 u  q
The scientists found that the force between antiproton pairs is attractive, just like the strong nuclear force that holds protons together within atoms.

5 ]: n7 Y: k# S5 _
Antimatter particles have the same masses as their ordinary matter equivalents, but carry opposite charges.
/ ]% h* n  I1 F  ^( D* M7 a" i6 c
Zhengqiao Zhang, another scientist who studied the antiproton interactions using the RHIC, said: "We see lots of protons, the basic building blocks of conventional atoms, coming out, and we see almost equal numbers of antiprotons.

7 e7 S, F$ ~' o0 _$ p
"The antiprotons look just like familiar protons, but because they are antimatter, they have a negative charge instead of positive, so they curve the opposite way in the magnetic field of the detector."
Within the accuracy of these measurements, matter and antimatter appear to be perfectly symmetric. There didn't appear to be some asymmetric quirk of the strong force that could account for the continuing existence of matter in the Universe and the scarcity of antimatter.

3 G; d2 `: n9 {( c1 U2 Y
That points scientists towards other explanations for the matter/antimatter asymmetry. For example, neutrinos (another fundamental building block of the Universe) might be their own antiparticles. Differences in the way neutrino particles interacted after the Big Bang might have led to a slight matter excess that allowed our Universe to exist.

* [2 g( m$ k! {- m( _7 \4 w感谢上帝,我们可以通过粒子加速器产生反物质——尽管只有微量,但这也提供了科学家们研究反物质属性的机会。
4 O; L& L/ T9 P- f% y- g1 y8 O- Z! ^  X1 O
6 g% j9 Y8 x; ^% E
4 d+ z/ R- @! i5 S科学家发现,反质子之间具有很强的吸引力,就像原子核内质子间的强核力。
3 _4 k+ G2 L5 ^1 G6 M/ _4 L# M' q  D8 C: `8 v
反物质粒子同正物质具有相同的质量,但是却携带相反的电荷。0 S) l5 e- ^" z4 F5 i5 d

7 Z: p' U& x1 j# T0 d: `- A! j( X6 ?另一位在RHIC研究中的科学家——张正乔(估计是华裔)介绍说:“我们看到的大量构成基本原子的质子飞出,而这个量与观测到的反质子几乎相等。反质子就像我们熟悉的质子,但因为他们是反物质,因此他们带有一个单位的负电荷,而非正电荷。因此,他们在磁场检测器重划出相反的曲线。“
' i6 M: P3 K/ |: R6 n4 d6 x% @
+ X3 p, l" ^' z基于这些测量的精确性,物质和反物质似乎是完全对称的。没有丝毫与正物质性质完全相悖的转折性证据可以解释为什么宇宙中存在连续物质而鲜有反物质。
  k# R7 x- k7 e. ^0 O/ r) g
, i1 ^4 G; P* M2 ]! {, ~( x7 b' p这说明科学家只能寄希望于其他的可以解释物质、反物质不对称性的观点。比如,中微子(另一种宇宙基本粒子)可能就是其本身的反物质粒子。自”大爆炸“后中微子粒子间的不同相互作用方式可能导致我们的宇宙以一种微量不对称的形式存在。" p9 Y1 K3 n$ _( p

  e' c, k0 H; R3 y$ l& Q2 u( ~3 ?9 h# u6 L3 e5 U! K1 h' k
4 R1 h7 m& L6 t  f

) w4 y1 K- q+ {& w( w- Q# [  [
0 k& _! u) ?! i- n5 R3 U1 D; s7 p: m8 A$ t  i


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参与人数 2威望 +2 收起 理由
大色猫 + 1 思想深刻,见多识广!
动静之机 + 1 感谢分享



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发表于 2015-11-6 10:57:32 | 显示全部楼层
  x" Y+ I, @0 H+ a) d只有上帝才清楚谁才是反物质


你这话倒是挺辩证的  发表于 2015-11-6 12:41


参与人数 1威望 +1 收起 理由
zerowing + 1 思想深刻,见多识广!


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发表于 2015-11-6 11:40:47 | 显示全部楼层


感谢兄弟。爱好基础知识的人很少了。  发表于 2015-11-6 12:48
回馈下论坛。感谢鹰大评价。我会选一些国内不刊登的科技方面的新闻翻译过来。  发表于 2015-11-6 12:42
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发表于 2015-11-6 11:47:26 | 显示全部楼层
物质是已被认定的“事物”,反物质是不是还未被认定或者正在被认定的“事物”?反物质与物质是对立存在的?还是仅仅是一个命名方式?, r+ ]2 x4 y2 E0 n, u


呵呵,这个词最早如何来的还真说不清了。不过最早是叫“反地物质”,后来才统归到反物质一词上。  发表于 2015-11-6 13:36
呵呵!没质疑的意思!就是觉得为什么叫反物质!  发表于 2015-11-6 13:08
米国已经合成了反氢原子,大侠不必质疑。  发表于 2015-11-6 12:40
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发表于 2015-11-6 12:48:08 | 显示全部楼层


伸右手是握手?伸左手打脸?  发表于 2015-11-6 14:36
呵呵,不过也让我想起了星际穿越里面关于四维空间的描述。  发表于 2015-11-6 12:57
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发表于 2015-11-6 12:48:32 | 显示全部楼层
美国被那帮二逼忽悠得不行了,砸进去了不知道多少钱,真的是血本无归啊。2 _7 Y2 t. j8 R; e  [- g

) z3 e4 f% h" t3 I) Z反物质,那帮二逼干嘛就硬要认为反物质和正物质是截然相反的物质呢?就因为一个磁场效应?就因为一些影像?3 [1 ?- |& x2 ]; y# X+ g1 x- l


请“民科”大侠远离我的帖子。谢谢  发表于 2015-11-6 12:57
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发表于 2015-11-6 13:05:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-11-6 13:07:29 | 显示全部楼层
有本书,叫反物质飞船 ,可以看看


小说还是科技读物?小说就算了。我对正、反物质的碰撞变化比较有兴趣,不过没花精力去找相关资料  发表于 2015-11-6 13:11
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发表于 2015-11-6 13:07:34 | 显示全部楼层
有本书,叫反物质飞船 ,可以看看
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发表于 2015-11-6 13:15:15 | 显示全部楼层


。。咱还是Q聊吧。这有点刷版的味道了。  发表于 2015-11-6 13:40
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