发表于 2013-12-12 17:01:51
LZ确认不是伪造的视频吗?美国喷气推进实验室也曾经聘请了一个“牛人”开发反重力装置,他的装置能在不借助外力的情况下(没有机翼什么的)减轻自身重量,但从来没有飞起来。" s- Y `3 t" m' Z
另外WIKI上对“哈奇森效应”基本持否认态度:http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/John_Hutchison( I( ?% f# X! f- O) H3 Y: ]
"This "Hutchison Effect" has been claimed for years, without any independent verification — ever. In fact, its originator can't even replicate it on demand. This has been investigated more than once, been part of documentaries on The Discovery Channel, but still never seems to pass critical muster. This is in the category of folklore. In general, the "American Antigravity" web site caters to such folklore and its enthusiasts." —Marc G. Millis[1] |