不知道有没有人做过流程图。 下面是我从美国Robert L. Norton 著的 "An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms and Machines" 上摘录的,个人觉得有点意思,供参考。
; p0 P6 S, w7 J ?* {1 d; O5 c+ x2 n7 ~! Y F) v& T. P: |
The Design Process
5 h8 v; C% I4 p"...this is not a process in which one proceeds from step one through ten in a linear fashion. Rather it is, by its nature, an iterative process in which progress is made haltingly, two steps forward and one step back. It is inherently circular..." . y7 n3 O: h9 e% I
1. indentification of needs;% V3 d- Y5 e) `, _) F9 C
2. background research;
- i, b7 n" _) X' X- p7 I m3. goal statement;$ M/ {# g% a5 W' i% x! ]
4. performance specification;9 }6 Q8 _, n- X# ?' w9 }6 e- Y
5. ideatin and invention;
4 g4 {( R+ X. J- [/ h5 m& A$ `8 }6. analysis;+ y$ F/ f" q/ L2 e+ \4 T
7. selection;" l7 X( Y4 \1 n$ u, F; K
8. detailed design: this step usually includes the creation of a complete set of assembly and detail drawings or CAD part files, for each and every part used in the design.
. Y* R) T( j7 x3 w1 z% w9. prototyping and testing;
' X1 D& W- K) L/ L$ f" D10. production
2 m9 m ^* w+ W) \, F0 W* v }* f7 `7 |9 l0 K
手绘也好,草图也好,CAD也好只是设计中的一小部分,前期的方案设计和分析非常重要 |