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发表于 2009-6-5 08:06:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! b3 L0 Z1 p: J. R* N( l1 d  x' q  [: b" G  Z& O
教授 professor
5 A# Y/ D3 }( Z) v- G8 R副教授 associate professor
: b; {' t5 p7 @: K客座教授 guest professor9 \, V5 q- b1 n% M1 f# }7 W
博士生导师 tutor of Ph. D. (students)
/ a6 F: R, N; g8 y$ a研究员 professor/  research fellow
# I, P1 ]/ E6 a副研究员 associate professor" N, d/ G9 D& h
助理研究员 assistant professor/  research assistant. N! G/ u' u) u) B. w  ^
研究实习员 assistant engineer, m2 B+ Y& R, s6 b+ y/ _/ w
高级实验师 senior engineer
7 X1 p& q/ M" Y0 w- y9 o实验师 engineer
4 W5 q5 [1 y) R9 u& p6 B6 [( \助理实验师 assistant engineer
% x% Q5 l) r# v0 c9 ]* A" I. k实验员 technician! g' \2 w( P3 _5 Q
高级工程师 senior engineer
# n. t. i& z0 o' z; [工程师 engineer' c( |: r+ X5 v/ n
助理工程师 assistant engineer
) i1 s- D2 `* G; X5 t( n, ?技术员 technician
7 R  K9 _0 D' ]6 f& a9 x0 f: R高级会计师 senior certified public accountant5 I9 r9 x+ e0 @, m5 G
会计师 certified public accountant
7 a/ y+ Q4 p! t# o# e! }$ S) C助理会计师 assistant certified public accountant
4 A! `+ h; Z: y9 a% w  o& x会计员 accountant
% R/ h3 F1 Z1 g+ k% ^高级统计师 senior statistician
* H6 c6 L7 @& D& P# c; b# b6 ]统计师 statistician! V2 }* z" E$ M! I
助理统计师 assistant statistician1 D* o+ e/ z! S0 m5 C' `2 n- j
统计员 statist
; f5 y8 I3 [2 W3 `, m主任技师 chief technician% `2 W1 i8 g$ R4 b, Q
副主任技师 associate chief technician
/ \. a' x' m6 @主管技师 technician/ l* `7 g/ F% S' d. n
技师 technician# I# O& C6 l  u( y
技士 assistant technician
0 }; d5 q2 o- }# C, v( m" M院长 president/ dean, H* u! L2 s, M5 V$ H
副院长 vice-president/ assistant dean% H/ {( ^: ]& }4 h! `5 B
处长/ 副处长 Division Chief/  Deputy Division Chief
' L! Z8 [4 U2 X: L" @! d% j科长/ 股长 Section Chief
$ w  n6 K- ?/ A  j科员 Clerk/Officer% G: ~* M  M! f7 T5 d$ S/ r
主任/ 副主任  director /deputy director
9 k0 i3 e  C$ F5 G8 _! r秘书 secretary  r2 B7 ?/ u' x* Y$ a7 l
秘书长 general secretary
2 G6 o$ ^2 X! H& X% a, s7 Q助理 assistant  院长助理  president assistant
6 {( [7 _' B/ l; f1 w# ?0 G, ^/ w( O& p4 g" @- |% ~

" P- W" O4 x9 q6 K二、简历/ 户口本用语6 M( }" A0 `/ q: ?

! B% Q& r& Y5 L8 e6 H7 [* z& Z2 p姓名 name 别名 alias 笔名 pen name4 R1 O- M! |( h. g7 x! c9 J
出生日期 date of birth/  birth date& G8 K. D0 {5 v. Q% K8 D/ R
出生地点 birth place$ e5 x! n; H) U$ a) v5 ^
年龄 age
7 x0 ~. G7 B' K# m籍贯 native place 省 province市city自治区 autonomous region
4 x4 y$ A: d4 T' E, u# \! U- C专区 prefecture 县 county- ^" N$ q( x) r  I$ S6 G
国籍 citizenship  民族nationality# e- I1 k. B6 {& T- [! ?( ~; i
双重国籍 duel citizenship
% ?& j- |! q9 Z% W) }: V地址address目前地址 present address/ current address永久地址 permanent address
5 T7 Z( \3 W- b4 y住宅电话 home phone办公电话 office phone /business phone 4 G* I# B6 K5 ~: e
电话Tel.$ c$ `2 R6 E7 B8 y
邮政编码 postal code3 f- t! t  u5 Z/ U& ]5 w: i
电子邮件Email$ P& j- {" o/ z
性别 ***/ gender 男 male女 female, p4 j$ X3 b4 C
身高 height体重 weight& @/ b( v2 k: G  W$ p- M: C
婚姻状况 marital status家庭状况 family status % g# c' I, r+ T5 \) E
已婚 married未婚 single/unmarried离异 divorced分居 separated* i% a0 r$ M3 G  [4 X
子女人数 number of children无 none& u8 H, |; Z# N: f" E
街 street 路/ 巷 road 区 district 胡同lane 门牌house number. \% Q( M) G8 o9 W
健康状况 health/ health condition
; n$ W. ?8 |* }2 o2 F) ?血型 blood type  身份证号码 ID card No.
' s2 m# [* K" o* S6 D学历/教育
+ ?, z8 Z" ]2 f' h博士后 post doctor  博士生 doctor (Ph. D.)硕士生 master
4 m8 _* O5 q. o. H) H3 _* ~学士 bachelor 学生 student 研究生 graduate student 留学生 abroad student 回国留学生 returned student 外国学生 foreign student2 X! j! |) s: b2 X# C

" h6 c+ ~# u# g
1 E0 i! @6 L) E三、中国各级党政机关干部名称英译名- {# R; Q/ p' W3 T) T% P4 J$ V
) J# W  q7 l# N$ c' n+ h9 S
中华人民共和国主席President of the People’s Republic of China! H4 t  a2 i0 \
政治局常委 Member, Standing Committee of Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committee
, k2 q% L& m( z; n: e政治局委员 Member, Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee; e6 n+ d9 Z* x; g7 ^( j! |* l$ U2 B
书记处书记 Member, secretariat of the CPC Central Committee9 a9 Y# h, B! u. W( Y! r1 @
中央委员 Member, Central Committee  q- j) k' Z: A# n. I
候补委员 Alternate Member
  j1 \2 L" z- R/ {- q…省委/市委书记 Secretary,…Provincial/Municipal Committee of the CPC. x* v& v: k$ E: {8 U% }; y) X
党组书记 secretary, Party Leadership Group
4 w( z  v4 q( W& p/ r6 @全国人大委员长/副委员长 Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People's Congress8 X* f/ V$ Q% H( D- r# j. D8 a
秘书长 Secretary-General# a. B- }/ L! J& R! {9 g& P
主任委员 Chairman) i% {3 S* W5 m9 }* b( g
委员 Member4 s! X9 k' Z& B4 a) N4 A; g* Y
人大代表 Deputy to the People's Congress
5 o  V$ c/ [3 @4 e国务院总理 Premier, State Council
* O9 w+ `9 W' U% n0 A/ R/ w9 Q国务委员 State Councilor- j; ~) s) o+ c" ^: Y% J4 N
(国务院各部)部长 Minister6 c0 H8 I& H2 t/ ^* `* n
部长助理 Assistant Minister5 Y& z3 t6 b2 z3 u$ x$ _
司长 Director" ^, ?6 e! m3 z  d" R
局长 Director
' q$ z5 h5 H1 k: y+ l; ~% n5 u省长 Governor9 r6 s- Q" d% Y  R9 ^* _
市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor8 s( X% f+ f, Q- h9 r- A' N
区长 Chief Executive, District Government
8 r: y  a. S4 x% g3 C县长 Chief Executive, County Government
1 _7 f. p% i9 y. O0 G5 n, d. I乡镇长 Chief Executive, Township Government
* }$ G+ O0 M1 U- R4 i' G办公厅主任 Director, General Office
0 ]# y0 D2 y: @. ^9 C9 g(部委办)主任 Director
7 Y/ ?8 C! p) o& k1 a3 S6 e处长/副处长 Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief
6 H. a- h. {4 |* j0 u  L+ y科长/股长 Section Chief8 c: p5 X6 x9 ^2 J" b; d2 z& p
科员 Clerk/Officer8 n3 [% ^2 n. `
顾问 Adviser
% Q1 r& L, E3 Z9 ^
# S! q" O& Q, T3 B& {' o: p  W  E' t
: g- t# o* j- ~7 [9 B  x6 s: K7 u
全国人民代表大会 National People’s Congress (NPC)
7 \) \  P& |, h4 t, d, S, h1 k主席团 Presidium5 z( L4 k- {( Q6 M" b2 v
常务委员会 Standing Committee# w2 B# L" {6 P
办公厅 General Office

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-5 08:08:28 | 显示全部楼层
  C" C1 {# b  ]9 ]* Q% X1 b& d. S) n! n/ L1 e# `5 g! X# o5 a
中央政治局Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC
7 g, a, c! B0 |! `& @; k中央政治局常务委员会Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC
6 g; y& I! V/ a& z& p. R, L中央书记处Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPC
% Y$ t7 I  _6 |% m8 s( v! \中央办公厅General Office, CCCPC
/ h+ N8 o0 Y0 ?; x  }  N2 }4 j0 C! x7 U. @, G3 N) L  l
中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会National Committee of the CPPCC! I8 J5 J$ C' H9 ?
中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员会Standing Committee of the National8 u# L$ y9 ]7 }* x
Committee of the CPPCC
8 x3 k1 y3 W- T5 b4 }* d
" p9 a0 D& @+ s; h中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会办公厅General Offices of the CPPCC National
, A0 O% C9 i& i3 ~Committee                       $ Q2 `% v/ h& `
# H7 ?) |+ K, d
中国***(中共)Communist Party of China (CPC); F8 e$ ?) m' @
中国国民党革命委员会(民革)Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang4 f/ D) H8 ?0 f! Y0 y" I
中国民主同盟(民盟)Chinese Democratic League
/ @$ h" X. L' M8 v8 B; X$ {中国民主建国会(民建)China Democratic National Construction Association
. Q4 E# q0 P! T" m/ r: j$ h中国民主促进会(民进)China Association for Promoting Democracy
/ ^( @" I. n+ A中国农工民主党Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party/ e5 s8 b& H/ @; a8 K
中国致公党China Zhi Gong Dang7 f9 @" ?  _  Q" A$ t
九三学社Jiu San Society2 H% N7 n5 J' ~4 |6 M8 V
台湾民主自治同盟(台盟)Taiwan Democratic SelfGovernment League( i, L0 j% U7 `% R2 i: A  g1 [  k
! v+ u+ P* u; w  b2 h; A7 Q

9 N  C( U8 j) F" J六、中国科学院机关名称
: z. }* J! q- O' D7 Y1 W7 W9 v; d* x0 m" Y4 Z
中国科学院 Chinese academy of sciences/ CAS
7 ]; c. }( O& o' r办公厅 general office
6 U# T& e( S( H基础科学局 bureau of basic science
- D, @$ }! d& r" X8 l4 c  s; m生命科学与生物技术局 bureau of life sciences & biotechnology
5 x* n$ C# m3 f2 o+ t5 X, l9 ]: u资源环境科学与技术局 bureau of science and technology for resources and the environment! Q, ^: K. p0 S0 }6 \
高技术研究与发展局 bureau of high-technology research and development
# m/ I: W# ]: U( s8 w5 [' {- E高技术产业发展局 bureau of hi-tech industry development/ h6 z# ^. P- U: a# O
科技政策局 bureau of science & technology policies- h" Z9 n/ S( K( R  r, P' \7 ~
综合计划局 bureau of comprehensive planning- D9 S5 C4 |$ o! {
基本建设局 bureau of capital construction* G7 l# h0 y" N, N" p
国际合作局 bureau of international cooperation
. E% u' x% ?9 {3 Q# A4 s! n人事教育局 bureau of personnel and education" l, X# _; m$ I! f( N- E6 E$ U. V
京区党委 CPC Committee at CAS in the Beijing Area
( H3 S/ A! q7 @! n9 ]监察审计局 bureau of supervision and auditing
8 C7 N  K# E; j离退休干部工作局 bureau of veteran carders! ^' m' w2 I8 R

" y3 ~7 f' S, X% Z6 y1 Y
# {$ R1 k( d1 b. z5 e七、五所及简称, G3 _! y$ g3 m1 q
7 P. s/ z1 Y& ]4 d4 Y
光电研究院 Academy of Opto-Electronics/ AOE! @5 d- p8 v4 a
长春光机所 Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics/ CIOMP* C5 i! p, S8 ~+ W
上海光机所 Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics/ SIOM( W( \( R* A, ^: g5 d0 ^
上海技物所 Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics/ SITP
9 X! g, G# V& f! w( Q* f) I- A西安光机所 Xi’an Institite of Optics and Fine Mechanics/ XIOM2 C5 r5 L* f* |' X
成都光电所 Institute of Optics and Electronics/ IOE8 q7 U2 ^' G7 A  F% C8 c( M* W  r
+ K  S' T; e# s: n8 ]/ o$ T; V
光电研究院地址:7 ?1 A$ v$ s/ g4 h- L
*** Room, Academy of Opto-Electronics
9 v1 N5 N% `( j# v* Z3 RAutomation Mansion: c* y3 T. y& L0 P+ V
No. 95 ZhongGuanCun East Road, HaiDian District
  e# N: k: ]- A2 q7 {. B8 c- C3 a4 R. vBeijing, China
. o+ ^/ D! E9 T; n! I0 ~100080% ?6 w7 O3 v7 \  B' N2 N3 Z6 g
( u1 [% Q: n  ~# F4 E
, U! N  {9 G3 m; r7 [

5 I# Q. b" V5 z: m6 ~, q- w( j
  k7 W8 a7 _9 I) u: W2 X; t* h1 B8 E8 a9 ?) w& T  L
; @7 Q5 P0 ?/ C- s* l. l: r9 h

$ b1 t0 ]" B- i/ }  e& r! Y8 }; O& A* @  y- |4 @1 i$ l
省级机构有关人员职衔规范译法(英语)& O( J. V1 L  U. P3 n
8 l, r/ |' J6 ?: I0 D5 c  w
, a* N+ u  B5 W$ @! ]; ]7 s
一、       中国***山西省委员会
0 P. V1 |) r! |! [! B1 y( L6 ]Shanxi Provincial Committee of the CPC
! {; N# M$ O. a1 U
3 z& |  B2 D+ g( p, ^书记   Secretary  l6 T7 z) p3 Z  p, V& ^+ L! Y4 L
副书记  Vice Secretary
0 w8 K5 w) j; P3 |7 \9 ~! P) Z常务委员 Member of the Standing Committee
2 V; m2 F$ n5 Q6 P2 \委员  Member5 U5 ~  o* N3 D, t; j
秘书长 Secretary-General$ G+ ?6 ~6 ?$ w6 w4 E& I  t- o6 G
常务副秘书长 Executive Vice Secretary-General
5 a8 P; x& F, P" g+ l' n/ \5 |副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-General
# |; `! i' y  b. y
6 S% Z% E6 c9 T; V) s二、山西省人民代表大会常务委员会& |' l3 n/ ]5 b0 r# l; k. ^7 V
The Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Shanxi Province+ B: z: d6 S# m% C

/ h, m8 ~! x9 |' P  C9 @主任  Chairman9 l9 O3 N) I) M+ g+ Q6 @
副主任 Vice-Chairman
! R( N8 H. a. u: Z6 M6 v秘书长 Secretary-General" M  T, m. L7 K, O/ c7 ~3 R* p' \
副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-General4 H; K( a6 h3 c9 ]$ ?
委员  Member
4 ~7 P9 S) k7 b, Y  b% ~/ z6 @+ n7 ~# g- s% D" E1 `
三、省政府及有关部门2 @' p0 R% M* u' x/ t
山西省人民政府& v+ J& V$ {6 T" p, x
The People’s Government of Shanxi Province
  t; u" a6 e9 h3 y' g2 w0 Z. t, f' i0 o" Y9 B# t8 ?9 ?
省长  Governor$ x& r6 |3 A* t1 ~4 v2 l. {
常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor. Z6 S" w: f" u  U' O
副省长  Vice Governor
/ K/ [9 m1 ?' @% p秘书长 Secretary-General
" K3 i* ?* l: J, l2 P; I( i/ Z/ p常务秘书长 Executive Vice Secretary-General9 z; z8 N: C8 s2 i4 k8 L' F: \
副秘书长 Vice Secretary-General
0 ?& R! v# b- o厅长(局长、主任) Director-General
/ K# ^5 ?8 s8 P& {$ b. ?) ~副厅长(副局长、副主任) Deputy Director-General5 a7 y* z" I3 K
巡视员 Counsel3 g, j5 f: H5 d0 Y+ F
助理巡视员 Assistant Counsel9 b, {, l4 |. x+ v2 B& z& d7 O
处长 Director of Division  P1 z% [9 ]. @' Q$ `9 U
副处长 Deputy Director
) k3 G# Y( L0 C$ X7 o调研员 Consultant2 b* q3 V: {3 f* m
助理调研员 Assistant Consultant
% t: g- {- K) a2 G科长 Section Chief" K+ i& _7 b! {5 n* N' l5 M# C
副科长 Deputy Section Chief3 g* H8 L5 z; A5 [. H) Y. d
主任科员 Principal Staff Member
  D% r% G) K2 ^8 G& Q副主任科员 Senior Staff Member
9 w; k8 L7 i, c, K# M科员 Staff Member7 o# y# y2 L( A& Q9 G3 C& q( L
办事员 Clerk% y1 l: e/ z6 x: E
% g/ ]1 D8 i( c* T, M5 k  F
四、中国人民政治协商会议山西省委员会' d9 o* T! V3 u2 ^2 ~' l
Shanxi Provincial Committee of the CPPCC
7 Q  o' m7 {3 E$ }2 `; e2 ]; `9 C8 x* M2 {& A0 a- _
主席 Chairman, |, [0 i; D* t; E6 V; z6 ~
副主席 Vice Chairman: \" C- L+ r  H  i* G' j% ?/ t
常务委员 Member of the Standing Committee
3 a( ?: ?  R8 n1 ^* r委员 Member1 ^8 m! B* o" _* S& T3 k! K& u
秘书长 Secretary-General! Y1 ?% U! ~0 I5 ]
副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-General* }% t" Z( n/ L$ W$ ], s3 |

- D+ I  _9 p; c: b( M- _2 m五、山西省高级人民法院
+ ]% a& y' y( O% ~7 ], kThe Higher People’s Court of Shanxi Province
8 Z4 M5 n9 X/ g- r
! \3 S0 G3 H+ D, l$ C院长 President
# ^' |! F$ I7 y. z' G6 i4 P3 e' o常务副院长 Executive Vice-President$ V& K8 l0 d( |/ s4 ~2 F
副院长 Vice-President
' u7 t% b2 T% z" i8 Z审判委员会委员 Member of the Judicial Committee3 k& [: }5 ?% E
审判员 Judge3 \7 H/ m. p+ z1 \+ N  D% f- s
助理审判员 Assistant Judge
9 ~. ~6 p& I, _6 Y书记员 Clerk5 U/ q3 b2 w* Q/ B  V
1 \7 P3 n$ D0 x
六、山西省人民检察院4 t+ h) ~. \1 W
The People’s Procuratorate of Shanxi Province: w( N! H8 q9 M0 t& ]: p
4 C3 }4 X/ p) A+ w
检察长 Procurator-General/ F, N- V( {0 c8 W2 B( [. m
副检察长 Deputy Procurator-General3 d6 R- b7 G; x) z
检察委员会委员 Member of the Procuratorial Committee
7 R4 G9 p5 A0 q# R检察员 Procurator
' R. a  @; G' H) E' a2 {助理检察员 Assistant Procurator
# Y% D, Z* \0 {: C% Q9 }书记员 Clerk
4 x" B' N0 q% R- u0 e: @$ B% X4 v5 ~
/ Q( X3 q4 q% O% V$ @; `9 S% ~! |! l# g7 R0 U3 l

8 T2 }  X3 B2 U& y* C山西省政府机构英文译名0 G8 w$ a5 |7 a: ~1 i6 J
+ P- w+ k' f, C" v; ^" N: V% @
山西省人民政府:The People’s Government of Shanxi Province
$ ]3 W" _) M2 K! X5 h山西省人民政府办公厅: General Office of the People’s Government of Shanxi Province% B7 k7 w6 K; i

8 c, L" L9 c+ y省政府组成部门
+ m: H. W! k: D5 x省发展计划委员会: Development Planning Commission of Shanxi Province8 V1 K3 D( A  W3 J* q' H2 G
省经济贸易委员会: Economic and Trade Commission of Shanxi Province
) f6 g: s% @, u省教育厅:Department of Education of Shanxi Province
8 P# c5 z: f+ m  p0 D0 f% K/ X省科学技术厅: Department of Science and Technology of Shanxi Province
" b- L1 f& a- {$ j. _4 C0 q+ _4 B* ~省公安厅: Department of Public Security of Shanxi Province
6 \- H3 C% u. Q省国家安全厅: Department of State Security of Shanxi Province
" h, I5 h; z1 d  ~4 C省监察委员会(省纪检委):Supervision Commission of Shanxi Province ( Shanxi Commission for Discipline Inspection)$ A' q) b9 s6 b9 G8 `0 ]5 @5 N- x
省民政厅:Department of Civil Affairs of Shanxi Province' x% V5 \9 i" j+ G7 y
省司法厅:Department of Justice of Shanxi Province
8 y2 L/ k! |3 ^. ?% i" v省财政厅:Department of Finance of Shanxi Province) y5 ]+ x  e# U: R7 H( H
省人事厅:Department of Personnel of Shanxi Province/ s5 k& K$ _5 m* M: D
省劳动和社会保障厅: Department of Labour and Social Security of Shanxi Province
" n, t! U: [) d' ]3 t. L8 B8 |1 F省国土资源厅:Department of Land Resources of Shanxi Province
( _" J( h) v: M$ I; M9 c$ ^省建设厅: Department of Construction of Shanxi Province3 A7 E$ E7 P7 p  \3 d
省交通厅:Department of Communications of Shanxi Province
+ X7 ]! ]0 ^0 R! i3 t省水利厅:Department of Water Resources of Shanxi Province
6 V; x- {. M' q+ m( y8 v) W. s. Y省农业厅:Department of Agriculture of Shanxi Province
& ]! p" [% y' o7 a, J& q3 c省林业厅:Department of Forestry of Shanxi Province
1 ~9 _0 X7 l9 k- \) l省商务厅:Department of Commerce of Shanxi Province
+ @+ z5 U. [$ o$ q% j1 \省文化厅:Department of Culture of Shanxi Province
3 s0 X) f5 G  `7 |0 B6 i4 p% ~省卫生厅:Department of Public Health of Shanxi Province
: _5 l: f. n4 w8 m: W* C( {7 {省计划生育委员会:Family Planning Commission of Shanxi Province  k& a% ]. p1 ^2 {, v( _5 \! \( u
省审计厅:Department of Audit of Shanxi Province
+ t8 m, x* m; Q9 i) T/ R+ E) `8 ~! O2 |) c& b* L3 V" Z
省政府工作部门1 M8 G. e' p9 c

1 C7 I1 t, _% p省地方税务局:Bureau of Local Taxation of Shanxi Province
/ Y4 v4 w% b' x! b5 K# O省环保局: Bureau of Environmental Protection of Shanxi Province
7 E# E: y+ p9 R8 U  k5 A3 z省广播电视局: Administration of Radio and Television of Shanxi Province
, G9 w& H8 A6 H5 J6 F# T2 M5 _省体育局:Administration of Sports of Shanxi Province
0 L) A# z3 a! H* G省统计局:Statistics Bureau of Shanxi Province
- k" S! c) _7 z  \( e' i省工商行政管理局:Administration of Industry and Commerce of Shanxi Province& S0 m3 i( ^$ C' F( B3 y* y' R
省新闻出版局;Administration of Press and Publication of Shanxi Province4 O+ I2 u8 t* v: I  k
省质量技术监督局:Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of Shanxi Province
& Z' @6 f2 l4 ~; p, f省药品监督管理局:Drug Administration of Shanxi Province
  J, }) ^& Z. ~: r' e; @, M  t省旅游局:Tourism Administration of Shanxi Province9 B. L- Q  @3 P6 ^5 l  Q3 ]
省民族宗教事务局:Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs of Shanxi Province7 U3 h; d3 @! o4 L& O
省粮食局:Grain Administration of Shanxi Province
* F# {& ]! O( Q: F% g省乡镇企业管理局:Township Enterprises Administration of Shanxi Province; Y8 d8 T; A* R. |
省文物局:Cultural Relics Bureau of Shanxi Province
% R: j, u6 Q) C- ]0 M% Z: G省国防科学技术工业办公室:Office of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense of Shanxi Province
  u, a# j) e- f0 m省政府外事办公室:Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Shanxi Province7 x- Y; J' r! @6 J" z
省政府机关事务管理局:Government Offices Administration of Shanxi Province% W2 |' N- O% f0 `6 n* D7 a
省农业机械管理局:Bureau of Agricultural Machinery Administration of Shanxi province
4 G. g: V# R5 b+ S4 l, k- C省物价局:Price Control Administration of Shanxi Province; n* H( X6 R/ h# H
省煤炭工业局:Bureau of Coal Industry of Shanxi Province/ D) r. a0 d5 n5 x. F' @
省法制办公室:Legislative Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Shanxi Province/ U6 Y% H- Y8 l# ^0 ^0 J& A
省政府参事室:Counselor’s Office of the People’s Government of Shanxi Province( c1 |9 q' i: r9 P6 N. D
省监狱管理局:Prison Administrative Bureau of Shanxi Province
! }  J& q7 @# u9 s' K省公安厅交通管理局(交警总队):Traffic Administration of Shanxi Public Security Department (Traffic Police Headquarters)% O4 X( q, [7 a$ z8 u( n& n! S
省地方铁路局:Local Railways Administration of Shanxi Province
5 @5 T; R6 W2 b省人民防空办公室:Civil Air Defense Office of Shanxi Province
6 C  ?8 A3 i; e省档案局:Archives Administration of Shanxi Province" V7 o+ K! R' D3 P3 ?& A$ v
省测绘局:Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of Shanxi Province
! i5 J! A' @0 D. D; ?6 u省公路局:Highway Bureau of Shanxi Province
( D4 @6 _  i7 z; k省机械设备成套局:Machinery & Equipment Complete Sets Bureau of Shanxi Province: T- y5 o% i7 I  o* X! Z( j
省万家寨引黄工程管理局:Administration Bureau of Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion Project of Shanxi Province% |0 x7 A1 `* \1 Y( b; E
省地质勘查开发局:Bureau of Geological Surveys and Explorations of Shanxi Province# Q, t+ y+ z: j" {/ O& Y
省煤田地质局:Bureau of Coal Geology of Shanxi Province
) V2 W( P. m4 }* h  Y9 b: ]. t省煤炭基本建设局:Bureau of Coal Basic Construction of Shanxi Province
: g, u' ~6 ~% {# \, W3 [: j  T省改革和发展研究中心:Research Center of Reform and Development of Shanxi Province
% w/ t1 p- C% F: ^( O+ ]省招生考试管理中心:Enrolment and Examination Administrative Center of Shanxi Province
( o8 Z8 h0 c; v' y" r省行政学院(省委党校):School of Administration of Shanxi Proince (Party School of CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee)# }& {- w6 S. z5 \: [
山西日报社: Shanxi Daily Agency( W' D8 l3 l/ y- W$ m% c
省社会科学院: Shanix Academy of Social Sciences
- ?" W5 Q  B3 N& j$ A$ V0 w4 h省农业科学院:Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences
" G0 T2 ~2 m, i. ?. W& D! X9 y! [省社会主义学院:Socialism Institute of Shanxi Province
, I" o1 T  z( r  p! R7 X
! P+ k1 p* k+ W* E% T中央部属单位:' y6 [- u5 U6 N
. P4 \! N/ q+ q4 Q9 D' w& T. ?
新华社山西分社: Shanxi Xinhua News Agency
7 q1 s% u  U2 h+ l财政部驻山西财政监察专员办事处:Shanxi Resident Financial Supervision Office of Ministry of Finance
2 [' D* L7 `# _, U7 X审计署驻太原特派办:Taiyuan Resident Audit Office of CNAO (China National Audit Office)
' M* i) m  ^3 ?  j中国证监会驻太原特派办:Taiyuan Resident Office of China Securities Regulatory Commission   ]$ K: s4 x5 e7 w1 T2 J
省通信管理局:Telecommunications Administration of Shanxi Province
7 ]; Q. }' r- ]) E8 ?: S省邮政局:Post Bureau of Shanxi Province0 b0 T, n, p1 X/ V; Q" e
省气象局:Meteorological Bureau of Shanxi Province
& |: _, }3 k5 R6 I" l$ k5 B省地震局:Seismological Bureau of Shanxi Province- N: r: q7 q  f5 l
省国税局:Shanxi Provincial Administration of State Bureau
9 k' F5 r$ E9 _1 w0 I" B省出入境检验检疫局:Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of Shanxi Province. S4 S+ N! u8 n% j; L- i9 C! c+ G# c
中国民航山西省管理局:Civil Aviation Administration of China, Shanxi Branch% y& c3 _8 A/ ~2 d/ s& O
省煤矿安全监察局:Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau of Shanxi Province
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