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发表于 2009-5-27 08:53:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 伊凡 于 2009-5-27 14:37 编辑 - A1 @" M% H6 R$ g0 L! J  m
( c8 D6 y1 l$ w* }' v0 F$ G
Bearing Failure Implicated in Deadly
5 H8 j) f, _5 M, u9 E, WNYC Crane Collapse
# o& d4 ]0 k5 L3 P3 |4 j+ Y% M3 |" m4 Y4 B1 F7 {4 \4 B- c% W+ w+ K1 N' J
copyright © 2009 eBearing Inc.
% e) u5 v5 b' W- a/ B8 A( V$ S+ C+ }# e0 L2 \4 {
A failed weld on a repaired slewing ring bearing is being blamed as the immediate cause for the deadly collapse of a construction crane in New York City a year ago.
$ O: C/ E! h- c- h* C" }
, D' Q7 W& h3 e9 x, _Two men, Ramadan Kurtaj and Donald Leo, died in the collapse on May 30, 2008. When the slewing ring bearing apparently failed, the cab and boom separated from the top of the 20-story mast. The assembly fell all 20 stories, raking an adjacent building and down into the street below. : \+ [& R8 c; V; }' G6 l

+ o3 M4 J" F5 W3 c1 ]! nlink to New York Times: A detailed interactive graphic9 i4 W5 W8 U1 ]$ p( J, M6 {9 E
vividly illustrates the crane construction and failure

$ Q* b5 y7 K% y5 f) q& O/ K2 l; u, y[opens in a new window]4 z; S+ K9 r: w0 S6 T
Federal investigators have reportedly tied the accident to improperly welded repairs made by RTR Bearing (China; website) a year earlier, in July 2007.
8 f/ b4 p7 A1 M( D/ j1 [
9 u3 q+ S% s5 L8 \  Z) N- PIn May 2007, the crane, an older model Kodiak, was struck by lightning. Shortly after that, workers reportedly noticed daylight through the cab and boom's supporting turntable. Further inspection revealed a two-foot crack in the slewing ring bearing. At that point, turntable and slewing bearing were removed for repair. Another turntable and bearing were installed temporarily, so the crane could remain in service.
3 [: Y; O, n; Z2 e8 ~3 k! x5 y; f6 Y5 R# Y1 G0 f( j- s1 ?
Avon Bearings (USA; now a division of Kaydon Corp., USA) bid on the repair, quoting just over $120,000 and 28 weeks lead time. Avon's bid was rejected.
' a/ s; W  z4 U: n. K; z. I# P3 x" k& k
RTR Bearing Company Ltd., a slewing ring bearing manufacturer based in Luoyang, China, bid $20,000 with a much shorter lead time.
: b" C5 K9 d& N7 y+ O" f' B* s. ~8 f- `5 S4 N0 B5 r0 l
Several emails have now been made public, indicating even before the contract was awarded, RTR told New York Crane it was uncertain if it could make the repairs properly. An RTR representative emailed New York Crane on June 7, 2007, saying: "And honest speaking we dont have confidence on this welding." / a) K+ H; f5 w  Y( B+ ~

1 y4 A* l; e% C) @) p, M0 S% [New York Crane awarded the bearing repair contract to RTR anyway.
2 J6 ?- A0 K  W2 s  w% k
- J! L# L; V2 q2 Z( [; oThe bearing was removed from the crane, shipped to China, repaired by RTR, and shipped back to New Jersey. There, it was assembled and additional repairs were made to the turntable assembly. Finally, the crane's temporary bearing and turntable assembly was removed and the repaired assembly put in place.
) n! Z- n. b$ {' |" z* g
, N, p9 o8 {7 V0 k3 RThe crane's repairs were approved by Michael Carbone, chief inspector of cranes and derricks for the City of New York. Mr. Carbone was a former employee of New York Crane and Equipment. : o; F& A8 y2 M

: v* R9 |. |+ V0 m9 pThis was the second deadly collapse in 2-1/2 weeks of cranes owned by New York Crane and Equipment, safety inspections and installations approved by Mr. Carbone. The first crane collapse killed seven people. Mr. Carbone resigned in July 2008, a month after this collapse. " S  n9 v5 }/ F2 u7 Q

: i. i- d+ Y3 z# O+ \In addition to the failed slewing ring bearing, the possibility the crane was pressed into service beyond its service life has also become a question. % v2 G0 F3 o) r9 [. J8 i: m' I
& t+ C2 E5 l# v& O/ x+ N' c9 Q
5 T7 D8 J1 W7 e0 j6 B
by Bruce A. Carr
* R" i/ H: o' ]# M  @( r* ifrom individual research,
6 @4 ^! W, N! o& R/ G( ftips and commercial sources.. Q6 f1 t6 h+ C& s  ?7 E- t
Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.

& S" a# \% f. a- d8 M/ z

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发表于 2009-5-27 10:41:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-27 11:07:03 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-27 11:34:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-27 12:54:02 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 金属加工 于 2009-5-27 12:58 编辑 , T! W: ?6 O4 K+ U( t5 V8 E, ^* C
5 b' h' |$ d! h5 V0 c  A& i0 r. k& Z
# D6 W4 S+ u2 K: @吊机轴承需要维修,
6 E7 e" [; V# `9 e" g3 }8 N. I美国Avon Bearings 公司报价$120,000 和 28 周交货,未中标。, P; S% T  O9 A% O& a
RTR Bearing 公司 报价$20,000 ,交货期更短, 中标。0 E# d' E) {0 Z
2007年6月7日,RTR代表的邮件说:“说实在的,我们对这个焊接维修也没有信心”。但New York Crane 仍然让RTR中标了。
- ^6 w' c. J6 F# E, k维修后New York 市起重吊机总监察Michael Carbone做了鉴定认可。- ?7 v# B' u3 X/ e: m- |6 W3 L
这个是Mr. Carbone 鉴定的第二起吊机发生事故。他已于2008年7月辞职。
& A# K% j+ ]6 ^# k7 T0 l, F) H- E  Y, d1 n9 B3 a- z

7 @) u7 z$ F4 t/ s  U1 X9 @% t是这个公司吗?
& H: t2 Y. q; A+ b. x  ~# N. u" |1 H5 b8 e' y8 y% M8 q
3 V% T& |8 s: K* d
2 \* c& ~; o! i8 F润宁轴承有限公司 (RTR Bearing Company Limited)成立于1998年6月26日。公司下设两个生产分厂和一个进出口部,现有员工99人。工厂位于洛阳市老城区大路口,占地面积6000平方米,拥有资产3000万,能够按照国际标准和国家最新技术标准,生产外径100MM至5000MM的回转支撑轴承,还能根据用户需求设计、研制开发各种非标准和特殊结构回转支撑轴承。进出口部位于中国东北重要港口城市——大连。公司始终遵循管理求严、技术求新、质量求精、工作求实、服务求诚、经营求真的经营理念,多年来得到了国内外客户的大力支持。公司主要业务是出口各类机械类产品,目前主要产品是轴承。主要出口国家为欧美国家,产品已遍布世界各地,并受到国外客户的广泛赞誉。目前公司销售部设在大连,生产及产品质量检测中心设在洛阳(国内轴承生产基地)。产品广泛应用于各类工程机械,起重运输机械,采掘机械,建筑工程机械,港口机械和导弹发射架等大型设备上,遍布于工程,矿山,化工,石油,冶金,煤炭,港口,船舶及仪器仪表等行业。
0 p+ u" d) ]( f) q
5 U- ^( a1 G" c6 O4 K4 l& s    公司虽成立时间不长,却有旺盛的生命力,借助国际买家在国内采购量逐渐增大的大好环境下,我们以创新的眼光,优质的服务赢得了众多客户。
& m# ~- b) P& v: U( w9 i& }) r6 r3 U' `% ?5 p
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-27 13:12:11 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-27 13:27:57 | 显示全部楼层
Hello Mr. Ibrahim,- }$ S  Q5 r' }3 k3 ?  {

. k+ d7 D$ H% z/ d& {- a' S; |0 MYes, RTR has several locations. We just listed7 G5 ~) q9 u7 y- r7 E. c+ v
their primary manufacturing location.4 T8 `  H* q4 z7 P* A# L

8 u1 V1 I: }, aIt is unfortunate that many people outside of( }6 F8 {  Y( a' C4 u
manufacturing do not fully appreciate how difficult* V" ]  w: O" u( s6 l7 d
welding on specialty metals can be.& {5 H! J8 x$ v2 n: j
! p3 ?, ^; L# t$ j9 p/ S/ g
Replacing the bearing would have been a better
6 }4 s( \" ~" F5 _- N$ @idea, but since it was damaged by lightning, no# F* Q6 u) b* u4 [2 e- ~  d) v8 O
insurance would be willing to pay for it, I'm sure./ Y* p  l& c- v% G  [* J4 j
) g- p4 H8 v$ b' J
Thanks for your note.0 K/ _! \5 P( b- r3 o* C1 R
  b* e+ S( i8 z2 C5 u8 e& \
eBearing Inc.
) e$ }& k( [6 r& Y1 x  }, h
; [9 d- G" L5 L/ X$ S1 J- C这是该消息来源一小时前给我的回信!
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发表于 2009-5-27 14:01:27 | 显示全部楼层
伊凡版主,首先我质疑这则新闻的可靠性,其次我觉得标题“中国维修产品在美制造惨剧-2008.5.30”有些危言耸听。. ~1 t  p- M; f0 j0 U, L9 b/ \
原标题可以理解为“轴承故障卷入了纽约起重机倒塌事故中”。: H" [( N; H1 H% E  e& E/ S$ I( r
8 p4 j- r  u+ m厂家忽略了RTR公司对焊接的不自信,只为了图便宜看中了RTR公司近1/6的低报价。4 r) p' z% n# o
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-27 14:13:45 | 显示全部楼层
天气斑竹的话,说的不完全对,无论是谁但凡报价就要承担后果,既然已经接单维修,说责任不在中国人一方,自然是说不通的,任何有责任心的行业人不能拿美国人民的生命不当生命,拿报价和商业信用当儿戏,这是责任意识的问题8 h' j+ D8 V0 x0 q& H' B! V0 {8 c4 I
) j: R9 ]  U+ N- L. g6 B
& }# |: _& f6 ]. J
- f: r/ W# a1 u我个人觉得题目并不明显带有"危言耸听"的隐义,只是有点太大了,我听从前辈的建议,改为"中国厂家维修后的轴承产品在美制造惨剧"?
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-27 14:24:40 | 显示全部楼层
7 Z1 N$ p7 `3 X- R% R- V" d. j/ ]9 X- S5 r* k" G3 _
Bearing Failure Implicated in Deadly NYC Crane Collapse 9 u. Z7 m1 l! A7 s$ `
- j+ L& p/ q, F9 M1 T
美国方面的题目是: 纽约起重机吊车事故中涉及轴承损坏
4 a, {1 ]  A, g' }' h8 G
9 y) P* ?: T  N& L! D0 _7 k这个题目更加中性,没有任何偏袒,只是我注意到国内厂家报价并维修,中间的邮件中透露的不自信态度让人汗颜. 我也质疑过该家美国媒体,所以我写了邮件,说厂家中英文的地址不一致,没想人家美国大晚上的就回邮件给我了.
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