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发表于 2009-3-16 14:33:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% ^/ Q6 X9 }1 D5 U; f/ W% L5 t0 D  h[edit] Hoffmann Ball BearingsThe United Kingdom's first ball bearing factory was established at New Street in Chelmsford in 1898 by cousins Geoffrey and Charles Barrett and bankrolled by American ball bearing machine manufacturer Ernst Gustav Hoffmann from whom the Company took its name. The Hoffmann Manufacturing Company rapidly expanded and soon achieved worldwide fame for their precision-made bearings boasting an accuracy better than 1/10,000 of an inch (2.5 micrometres) for all their products. Hoffmann bearings were later used in the first transatlantic flights and extensively on machinery during World War I. For many years it was Chelmsford's main employer with more employees than Marconi's. The firm became R.H.P. in 1969 (Ransome Hoffmann and Pollard). The factory that once employed thousands was wound down then closed and demolished in the 1980s and the company relocated to Newark on Trent where it still exists. The Rivermead Campus of the Anglia Ruskin University now occupies the site of the old factory at the junction of New Street and Rectory Lane. The only connection to the old factory in Chelmsford today is in name only at the R.H.P. Bowls club located in Canterbury Way.

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-16 14:36:19 | 显示全部楼层
以上说明一个品牌的兴旺也就和人的寿命差不多,生老病死, 世界没有奇迹哈!
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发表于 2009-3-16 15:59:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-16 17:21:42 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 梦回书香 于 2009-3-16 17:22 编辑
# @0 Z1 z  G: ~- x" f/ H  ]) Z7 F- j4 D- q6 S2 y& v0 v. W* ]
* \. `$ O# x$ {; \2 d" M' ^6 u
  v2 W5 z! H; [译文:
9 L( {  ?( `9 `$ i[编辑]霍夫曼球BearingsThe英国的第一个球轴承厂成立于新街于1898年在切姆的堂兄弟杰弗里和查尔斯巴雷特和资助球轴承由美国机械制造商恩斯特古斯塔夫霍夫曼从他们的公司在其名称。霍夫曼制造公司的迅速扩大,并很快取得了国际著名的精密轴承吹嘘作出的准确度优于万分之一英寸( 2.5微米)的所有产品。霍夫曼后来轴承中使用的第一个跨大西洋的航班和广泛的机械一战期间多年来,切姆的主要雇主与雇员更比马可尼的。该公司成为R.H.P.在1969年( Ransome霍夫曼和波拉德) 。工厂,一旦被雇用数千伤口下跌然后关闭并拆除在上世纪80年代,该公司搬迁到纽瓦克川特那里仍然存在。校园的Rivermead金的安格利亚大学的网站现在占领的老厂交界处的新街和目录里。唯一连接到旧工厂切姆今天是名存实亡在RHP滚球俱乐部位于坎特伯雷途径。
$ X( ]! Q) C9 ^9 u: m2 r(以上翻译仅供参考!)
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发表于 2009-3-16 17:38:22 | 显示全部楼层
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