



楼主: im7


 楼主| 发表于 2024-11-26 08:47:49 | 显示全部楼层
4 t4 t' X  M! @$ |8 |: f
1 ?5 t1 j6 T" K8 L, \: X
4 l, J0 d/ M' V* J% M6 l6 K
I am not afraid of tomorrow for i have seen yesterday and i love today.+ X% b! B" J: b% c0 b1 @4 l- {
+ _: ^' q+ I4 K. L! C7 u: {/ J& X7 H
actuator ['æktʃueitə] n. 执行机构,执行元件;致动器,作动器
3 [  L: P* l6 M6 m; Gbasement ['beismənt] n. 底座;底部
; p9 K7 N, N1 m! @/ ?2 R8 gchamber ['cheimbə] n. 室;腔;容积;船舱
9 H: v& K% ?; P1 q7 U- h0 [/ `check valve 单向阀
/ X' B) C/ H7 I; U% k6 f1 v3 cclevis ['clevis] n. U形钩;弹簧安全钩/ u0 x! V9 Z, X0 w# _; W
compensator ['kɔmpenseitə] n. 压力补偿器3 z8 [/ z5 P; x
compress [kəm'pres] v. 压缩,浓缩
3 e9 [$ j* V7 n1 [& q1 yconnector [kə'nektə] n. 接头
( r3 c# z1 ?6 M1 n, V0 q) u$ jcylinder ['silində] n. 缸;汽缸;圆柱体;( e, {' G1 O3 r" K
directional control valve 方向控制阀
) L- J) f( V7 ?5 x" Gdrain [drein] v. 排空;排干
1 ~# t' ^1 X4 ]5 v9 ~exhaust port 泄油口
0 c6 D* D4 D! u* T# I. l" Qextend [iks'tend] v. 伸出,外伸;延伸;扩大
' Z, a- r8 l+ b* ifilter ['filtə] n. 滤油器;过滤器;滤波器8 p; P2 q8 u4 h' [. j
fixed restrictor 固定节流器) N" d! @+ j) i* b" B, G
flow-control-and-check valve 流控单向阀9 N9 o: V5 O: ?* A) ~# C# w
flow-control-and-overload relief valve 流控过载溢流阀# I. T* N% p" z7 Q9 O* _
flow-control valve 流量控制阀
0 o' }+ d8 P6 I# h/ M3 {/ M9 z2 W6 C1 H" r( l
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 楼主| 发表于 2024-11-26 08:52:32 | 显示全部楼层
7 R" [1 O0 z/ O" A% t# u, I3 x% ~4 }5 h1 k% F
: _/ Z  H/ R* l$ z0 ]1 l1 T' P
We can't all be heroes, because somebody has to sit on the curb and applaud when they go by.
( U. Z7 g0 K2 h0 y. n我们不可能都成为英雄,总得有人在英雄走过的时候坐在路边鼓掌。4 L. |: `1 ^0 P0 g* d

2 [8 R3 d* ?; c% j9 L0 \& \9 G$ l) Q: R* b5 Q
flowmeter [fləu'miːtə] n. 流量计;流速计
- x/ g7 T$ _0 m8 m' f* Nfluid ['fluːid] adj. 流体的,流动的 n. 流体,液体3 e* c# R7 ~* ^
gear-type motor 齿轮马达
- a2 i4 Y! T0 _8 t+ R8 Rgenerator ['dʒenəreitə] n. 发电机;发生器+ Z4 W: \# O; ^& e
herringbone ['heriŋbəun] n. 人字形(图案): {4 U9 \# P0 c/ M# F5 r/ Q% @: Q  `
hydraulics [hai'drɔːliks] n. 水力学;液压系统;液压技术! D+ B5 I1 v' X- o- |
incorporate [in'kɔːpəreit] v. 结合;存入;包括/ P$ c( [: z6 W0 j# r
inlet ['inlet] n. 入口,进口;进气道+ j/ p& ^4 o& M8 m0 a; a' j9 c' }
integral ['intigrəl] adj. 整体的;完整的 n. 整体
% R1 ~6 G# B- D' i5 I' }jet [dʒet] n. 喷嘴;喷口 v. 喷射,喷溅
! _9 W3 u! J* K) \8 P8 wleakage ['liːkidʒ] n. 泄漏;漏损;渗漏  G5 B4 r3 \$ x5 Q' g
malfunction [mæl'fʌŋkʃən] n. 故障 v. 发生故障: j7 M( ~4 p+ z* h* b) }8 K8 X# _7 b
master control valve 主控阀
9 u& T5 b( O# X% |( gmeter ['miːtə] v. 节流;节制;控制(流量)
3 ?) w& I& t' y2 ?2 [needle valve 针阀" k* a  p! N8 {' Y+ ?0 P# M
nozzle ['nɔzl] n. 喷嘴;管嘴;筒口
3 m& J. P/ F2 i2 Eorifice ['ɔːrəfis] n. 小开口,小孔
- G( o1 k: H; g+ Doutlet ['autlet] n. 出口;排水口;排油口;电源插座
, I2 y7 d% u5 _* Jpilot-operated check valve 液控单向阀
; p0 A5 G( A- f0 N1 ^% H& y* l* Fpilot valve 先导阀2 ]- K# v. I" h3 ^1 l2 N* K
$ |, e% s" ~: V, O- Y" a0 b' _& \
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 楼主| 发表于 2024-11-27 08:50:48 | 显示全部楼层
2024.11.27& S( @- W4 G: c6 w
Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
* _' P- P4 A+ N6 F青春之欢愉在于发现美的能力。而所有能发现美的人,会永远年轻。  w+ U$ m5 G( X8 g7 w* l

, M! a; X& ?0 p7 [1 b" S9 S3 m; L3 B8 a( a6 `
piston-type motor 柱塞马达- O' V% j. f$ C7 c0 C" G
plunger ['plʌndʒə] n. 柱塞;冲杆;推杆1 q9 o4 g1 U5 c7 d
pump [pʌmp] n. 泵 v. 用泵抽;打气& V5 W, P4 H2 W* D
reciprocating-type pump 往复泵(和旋转泵对应)9 @6 B* {# O! z3 Y8 ]1 |
reducing valve 减压阀
) }# J3 u7 @' K/ F8 `2 d  nregulate ['reguleit] v. 调整,调节;控制;管理9 X5 e. V& z3 S) \/ e
relief valve 溢流阀5 T2 ]4 ?' O* C8 w
reseat [riː'siːt] n. 复位
! t# A' R/ N# a/ Lresistance [ri'zistəns] n. 阻力;电阻;抵抗力8 I! J. s8 g$ E' n& M
restriction valve 节流阀
& z5 r: |* M* t6 Lretract ['ritrækt] v. 退回;缩回
8 _* O' o& p! e6 f2 irotor ['rəutə] n. 转子;转动体;回转轴
% F+ L! ^0 J) x- ^: Hrupture ['rʌptʃə] v. 断裂;破裂
# ?- O2 m& M+ K1 o/ f/ |* P3 w* o) ~safety valve 安全阀" W/ z7 d% M2 L: f$ A
slippage ['slipidʒ] n. 漏损;泄漏,动力传递损耗
. j1 y. @. i* @9 U# a6 Fspeed control valve 调速阀- G4 n; h6 S1 v$ N
storage dam 储水坝
4 n! E4 Q' I, Q6 csubstantial [səb'stænʃəl] adj. 实质的;大量的" ^% S  L$ v7 w- V- C9 P9 ~1 Z

, d: U- ~- O( M8 ]; L: t
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 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-4 08:46:15 | 显示全部楼层
$ L3 L6 \2 ^& v" p. }) Y; Q' G8 |% u* T6 P' A* b9 i) U

$ X& t& B8 H1 S$ t# T4 `9 |& | Don't settle for what life gives you; make life better and build something.2 |! [% y, V+ J8 ]- D
  Z  I$ d6 \+ d6 N$ n6 \. {5 c9 F# b: Z6 H$ Z
three-way valve 三通阀
% ?% e0 q  E  m, y0 T6 ]torque [tɔːk] n. 转(力)矩,扭(力)矩;项圈
- b- w6 d0 d& C* N- y* ctransmission [træs'miʃən] n. 传播;传导;传递;变速器
+ x0 c7 V: Q" W) V# q: {/ Cturbine ['təːbin] n. 叶轮机;涡轮(机)
1 t  j3 d% P* C9 L! Eunseat [ʌn'siːt] n. 脱离阀座
/ U" P% ?. Y; x4 n0 v: x8 z/ t2 pvalve [vælv] n. 阀,阀门;气门
- Q4 g" ]4 K; Y# d" cvalve spool 阀芯
4 V2 Q# m. {, v: r% ivane-type motor 叶片马达0 m9 c/ @  I) e$ y4 D
variation [ˌvɛəri'eiʃən] n. 变型;派生型
* i4 Y4 Q) }0 `# v- Y! n
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 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-4 08:50:29 | 显示全部楼层
2024.11.29% z# @3 ~( n8 N/ m( w/ ]. h

; R6 X$ P- G% V1 a1 _! A6 O
5 H' X* v4 x8 p. J$ n: S/ n( A' r
True self-discovery begins where your comfort zone ends./ W: O( E( ]+ I& o# C# W1 j1 U0 O
. r% s, ?. T1 F3 U) Q
# O: }, u( L" u& E& r8 ODirect-drive technology contributes to higher machine (or system) throughput with quicker acceleration and higher top speeds compared with gear- or belt-driven designs.
4 N+ e" u& [. e+ R1 [( \# h句意:直接驱动技术和常规的齿轮、皮带传动相比,由于具有更高的加速度和最高转速,因而可以提高所驱动的机械设备或系统的生产能力。9 S. ?0 F* B/ P5 V; I2 r# Y

4 Y* u' q- a" u2 L4 D9 L6 w
7 f8 S. z# a5 g" o( u3 J
However, in high-accuracy applications, such as film-coating lines and integrated circuit test machines, designers avoid gearing because it causes a host of problems like position error, lost motion (backlash), more maintenance, and audible noise.$ P) G6 C1 S# ^7 ?& |' m+ X0 |
) a$ w0 x0 A1 y( k* o5 a" W
) B- E( _' O* F( f5 N$ a2 P
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 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-4 08:53:59 | 显示全部楼层
$ o9 A6 f5 U2 z! U: ~5 g9 h: Z- G+ \' b& Q& J9 C( E* G( M! ~

. K+ s. E3 i1 i  E" y2 S& sLife isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.* R$ J" L% L* u& [* D* |* L4 H1 j
% q& s) u, f, r' U- p
+ Q- P( g) M- \Another advantage is that the high stiffness between motor and load effectively removes mechanical resonance, the phenomenon in which a compliant load generates instability under high servo gains.
4 _% Z& D5 ?/ L8 }- v; `8 L句意:另外一个好处是,电机和负载之间的高刚度有效去除了机械共振现象,这种现象中,相容负载在高伺服增益时会产生不稳定性。8 z( ?- U% m' ^( r
( S1 B9 J+ P, @' \2 V% h5 k
! w) {# z( S7 C/ X0 s$ a3 C$ H
" a. g# r8 _" r6 V$ g
It is believed that the understanding of thermal and mechanical interactions of different spindle components in practical spindle systems is the key to improving spindle performance and reliability, which cannot be verified satisfactorily in specially designed test rigs for individual components.
, w" l- d1 q0 l' e4 p句意:人们相信,在实际的主轴系统中,对不同主轴部件的热和机械相互作用的了解,是提高主轴的性能和可靠性的关键,但在对单个部件专门设计的测试平台上,这一观点无法得到令人满意的证实。" K9 u% \4 P7 V) `

% f' m0 t; B4 g5 c9 I" a
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 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-4 09:01:41 | 显示全部楼层
  i# [/ ^8 X% ]' ^$ \3 |# B: x0 z! z- t6 [7 N* B
/ B4 J& ?* Z6 l- |3 _5 ~% r, U) q1 `) W" u
We don't want to tell our dreams. We want to show them.
2 m1 E2 Q5 I( x$ m; S我们不想把梦想说出来,而是想展现出来。  N0 ^  P' K3 _- `3 u& U
3 m0 |- I) ?1 Z" X" U8 Y
agility [ə'dʒiliti] n. 敏捷,灵活性1 _) y' d' L+ D# W8 p+ D9 }
audible ['ɔːdib(ə)l] adj. 听觉的,听得见的: O( {, `- Q" D; w" j: w
auxiliary [ɔTːTg'ziljəri] adj. 辅助的,补助的,补充的,副的,附属的+ ~; p& |9 C7 b
backlash ['bæklæʃ] n. 间隙,齿隙,反向间隙
( [5 ~& g( o, M. gballscrew T[T'bTɔːlTskruTːT] n. 滚珠丝杠' \* p! z/ O6 o6 T, n, f; h! Q
commutation n. 换向,转接,切换4 f! @0 S: I0 Z. Y5 Y: J) s/ M8 W7 \1 ^
compliant load 相容负载
4 r- T6 [* e6 q# Mdeceleration [diTːTselə'reiʃen] n. 减速度,制动,熄灭,负加速
3 l8 U1 g5 {" Jdirect-drive linear (DDL) motor 直接驱动直线电机) V/ ^) \& u1 E& K! t. N
direct-drive rotary (DDR) motor 直接驱动旋转电机
+ Z/ e; G9 g: w! f$ N( Odominant ['dɔminənt] adj. 支配的,统治的: Q$ g: f1 \( H) m) X
drop-in replacement 快插式更换(零件)/ h+ v/ ]# `- @: ~: g
dynamic behavior 动态性能
! z" K6 r: C: m3 j1 Yframeless motor 无外壳电机2 Y* x$ v8 _8 \( B  i
friction ['frikʃen] n. 摩擦,摩擦力
) G0 u9 u% f8 D7 g% e# L& R0 a6 r  l7 O" q2 Y6 `" S
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 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-4 09:06:05 | 显示全部楼层
2024.12.2) R* R# r+ P: I- i, O' V9 Z
The secret of discipline is motivation. When a man is sufficiently motivated, discipline will take care of itself.
+ p4 Z% ~1 G# L0 s4 P% r+ o# t自律的关键是动机,当一个人的动力足够时,他自然就能自律。
/ y% @- [' E( w9 {7 b+ v  k* ^' O& m( O. g( Y& c! U1 H/ a2 {
gearbox ['giəbɔks] n. 齿轮箱,变速箱,进刀箱,进给箱,减速箱' s: P1 E" N2 V0 X, k
Hall-effect 霍尔效应" L' z! M2 C5 E) m. N# e4 T
housed DDR motor 封装式直接驱动旋转电机4 ^% G* c& v% F( E- ?) A6 c; I) x
incremental [inkri'mentəl] adj. 增量的,逐渐增长的,递增的
' M8 Z& k1 ^( W1 C$ pintegrate ['intigreit] v. 使结合,使并入,使一体化
1 Z) u: i1 o& k- E& w  einterpolation [inˌtəTːTpəu'leiʃən] n. 插值,内插,内插法
+ J( C, N* m. |( m  ointrinsic [in'trinsik] adj. 固有的,本身的,内在的
0 G8 K1 v0 c+ Z7 M8 U  Rironless T['aiənlis] n.T 无铁的,无铁心的
1 U" ^/ [) e, y* b# T3 sload carrying forcer 负载平台
# c6 p5 I/ D# s) i  u% _9 Alubricate ['luTːTbrileit] v. 使润滑,加润滑油+ z: j$ d9 |5 F/ A7 k# ~
motorized spindle 电主轴
6 ?. X& j& X$ k* Lnanometer-level 纳米级6 T* R9 V# }6 C$ Y
oscillation [ˌɔsi'leiʃən] n. 动摇,摆动,振荡;振幅,消长度,上下波动
7 p. ?9 ^- f. t8 x( F1 p2 i/ |/ Ypermanent magnet track 永磁轨道( Y- x/ L! P% N
pneumatic [nju(TːT)'mætik] adj. 空气的,气动的. E7 _" [2 ^7 P( c$ g, }
positioner [pə'ziʃənə] n. 定位器
4 J& z$ T) r6 \resonance ['rezənəns] n. 共振; D' r  R3 m  \" q
ripple ['ripl] n. 波动,变化
( a! ^- }# e4 v0 ~2 E+ H" Q# C" `* N; X9 `" i$ v. `& {
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 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-4 09:08:56 | 显示全部楼层
2 L1 b* n$ p% v6 V4 }/ A; fTo fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.
9 n) A2 p. S. E7 I( z爱上自己是通往幸福的第一条奥秘。
. p! V! ~7 P  D8 C5 S8 F5 f/ v9 h4 c: {. T0 @8 z% u$ [, h! c
rotary ['rəutəri] adj. 旋转的,转动的,轮转的,循环的,轮流的
- d# C1 G1 I, `6 v+ m* i2 w. ?rugged ['rʌgid] adj. 粗壮,结实的1 x4 E8 ^  L8 Z, I1 A! m9 \
servo ['səTːTveu] n. 伺服机构,伺服电机
  Z. e0 f4 D' z' |- B0 wsidestep ['saidstep] v. 回避,逃避
* C2 @' g& q8 Tsimultaneously [siməl'teiniəsly] adv. 同时地
- c% A9 p& p  V% f8 csinusoidal [ˌsainə'sɔidəl] adj. 正弦曲线的
' n+ u# q, p$ M1 Z& Kstick-slip (机床)爬行现象
. ?/ W" m2 j& {' wsynchronous['siŋkrənəs] adj. 同时的,同期的,同步的7 i5 ~2 D, {. o& K
thermal ['θəTːTməl] adj. 热的
% j. y" X( k) M% H; Q5 ?6 F2 Gthrust rod 推(力)杆
' q/ p9 T1 J- `$ G2 Qtiming belt 同步带,齿形皮带# M& o5 J$ Z+ A8 Z& y
torque motor 力矩电机. F- c# t+ H8 P6 k# m
tubular ['tjuTːTbjulə] adj. 管形的,筒形的
8 u4 s$ I2 T! g7 w+ sultra-high 超高的
: R$ ]# w6 ?. A+ Avibration [vai'breiʃen] n. 振动,摆动,振荡1 d4 t3 U6 o! r9 o" L/ u2 F$ M

, Q# V6 E* P2 ^6 S
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 楼主| 发表于 2024-12-4 09:12:26 | 显示全部楼层
2024.12.4+ K# q! {' t' v" d
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.- E9 F$ x; N# ]" d* q
1 p; @# q0 j8 @' f! K
3 I3 P$ f# ]0 Q; W

3 R" r6 D( u$ e, s: w. ^" @) c9 B& yAlmost all kinds of digital equipments, such as NC machine tools, 3D measure machine, facility of cutting tool pre-adjusting and so on. can be effectively connected with the CAN Bus via two-twisted wire and the special-developed CAN front units which are also able to be installed in the cabinet of machine tools individually.9 Y- Q" a- X$ O/ u" }+ o
句意:几乎所有的数字设备,比如NC机床、三坐标测量机、切削刀具预调整设备等都可以通过双绞线和CAN总线专用前端控制单元有效地连入CAN总线,这些前端控制单元也可独立安装在机床的控制柜中。: E+ o2 _  b5 V" q  {4 [

5 L1 a1 P  E& L; ?! N1 z$ F% L& {- ?
Compared with FMS (flexible manufacturing system), DNC, which has higher efficiency and needs less investment, doesn’t emphasize materials flow automation.$ |0 z* l  r( h7 |
4 K" A: a, @; ?' N1 v+ ]) n+ ^6 ]( {7 K: }4 c  M8 s

5 ^) @& r5 _( R% D! `- {% @
7 B( b) y% H$ \6 P1 D
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