翻译温泽英文网站上,三坐标发展历史! F+ k3 q$ d5 z: ^: R- ^: n
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istory of CMM
9 \2 N1 ]7 z& s- E三坐标的历史
% D3 b. v( E: I% ?# F, rThe Coordinate Measuring Machine first appeared in the early 60's and the Coordinate-Measuring-Machine industry was immediately born. The earliest Coordinate Measuring Machine was a 3D devices with a simple DRO displaying the XYZ position of the X Y Z Machine.
6 {. _* A- G) s7 Y: Y" o. `2 j三坐标测量机最早诞生于60年代,同时测量机工业也马上诞生.最早的三坐标测量机是一个有着三轴驱动和简单命令显示xyz坐标值的机器( X% }3 Y) x, G# x7 X* K" s
~$ P% a9 }" _6 n3 W x' w' A p Z% lThere has been much dispute over the years concerning the original inventor of the Co-ordinate Measuring Machine, which has been abbreviated to CMM or CMM's over the years; the nomenclature CMM Machine has now become the industry standard term for 3D Measuring Machines. The first CMM Devices were probably introduced by the Italian company DEA (Digital Electronic Automation Spa) which introduced a Portal Frame CMM with Hard Probe, shortly after Ferranti Metrology from Scotland introduced its Cantilever CMM with D R O and Fixed Probes. DEA introduced their C.M.M. just a few months prior to Ferranti. Ferranti (now International Metrology Systems or IMS ) probably introduced the first DCC CMM (Direct Computer Assist) while DEA claim to have introduced the first CNC CMM. LK Tool, also from the UK have long claimed to produce the first Bridge CMM that has become the standard configuration for CMM Machines in past years. Cantilever CMM, Bridge CMM, Gantry CMM, Horizontal Arm CMM, Portal CMM, Moving Table CMM, Fixed Bridge CMM and Articulated Arm CMM have all become other common configurations for CMMs. The C.M.M. industry today produces over 6000 CMMs annually; C.M.M's come either as a Manual CMM where the CMM Operator manually guides the ManualCMM around the part to undertake CMM Inspection or as a CNC CMM where the CMM is driven automatically from the CMM Part Program.
3 ^0 E: j, }! b% y' C关于三坐标的发明者现在有很多的争论.三坐标已经被缩写到 CMM 或CMM's已经有些年头了.这个命名为cmm的机械已经成为工业上3d测量的标准.第一个三坐标设备可能是意大利的DEA(Digital Electronic Automation Spa 数显电子自动设备)公司生产.因为它生产一个拥有硬测头的龙门式三坐标.不久 Ferranti (now International Metrology Systems or IMS 现在的国际计量系统公司IMS)可能生产了第一台显示式三坐标(计算机协助)同时DEA公司声称生产了第一台自动悬臂式三坐标.英国的LK公司很早就声称身产了第一台桥式三坐标.在过去的一段时间里,桥式三坐标变成了标准三坐标的结构.悬臂式,桥式,台架式,水平臂式.接口三坐标,台面移动三坐标,固定桥式三坐标和关机式三坐标已经全部变成通用三坐标结构.三坐标行业每年生产超过6000台; 分为手动三坐标,操作员用手动测量检验或者自动三坐标,根据三坐标程序自动驱动运行. C.M.M。9 z [; \; U8 [ ^& v5 l
Each industrialized country of the world has created a domestic CMM Industry. The largest proliferation of CMM Companies have come from the UK. Ferranti Metrology started the UK CMM Industry and licensed their technology to Bendix Corporation in the U.S after a short period where Bendix acted as CMM Sales Agents in the US for the Ferranti CMM. Bendix CMM became the dominant CMM Supplier with its Cordax CMM during the 60's and 70' later becoming known as the Sheffield CMM or Sheffield Company. The Cordax CMM was primarily a Cantilever Style Manual CMM with Hard Probes migrating to Touch Probes from Renishaw as the technology became available. DCC CMMs from Cordax and Sheffield also became popular as computers entered the field of CMM Metrology.( s+ h1 u: B: {( O$ B
世界上每一个工业化工业都产生了本国的三坐标设备厂,最大的拓展的公司来自英国. Ferranti开始生产英国三坐标设备,同时授权他们技术到美国Bendix公司.短期内Bendix公司就作为美国一家Ferranti三坐标销售代理公司.在60年代到70年代末Bendix公司变成了一个优势的三坐标供应商.其产品为Corda三坐标.Bendix公司就是后来知名的Sheffield公司Cordax CMM是首先将采用从Renishaw公司采购的垂直硬探针的三坐标成为现实,Cordax and Sheffield同样将计算机作为显示设备引入三坐标技术: e. H* h/ T; \: F' M m0 x( [
IMS machines include the Impact CMM, Merlin CMM, and the Umpire CMM a flexible shop-floor gage. LK CMMs are the G80 CMM, G90 CMM, G80C CMM, G90C CMM and use LK DMIS or Cameo CMM software. 1 m! X- F( T" R& d' l
IMS 机器包括以下型号:Impact CMM, Merlin CMM和Umpire CMM (一个有柔性的空间测量)。LK CMMs系列是G80,G90,G80C,G90C和使用 LK DMIS 或Cameo三坐标软件。 |