+ _) o$ ]9 e4 q- w; R5 }数据表 5 C( G) b$ U: |& v
Bosch Sensortec
! w) r- X& j# J$ k& _博世传感器
' N* h6 O9 c& i- c, ?. Z# MSMB380 型. I/ X. l5 o9 `0 Y4 T6 U
Three-axis-accelerometer' ^9 T p e/ F* B9 i" i9 f' T
w( f: @' N* f j$ j4 p这款陀螺仪是民用品中比较流行的,体积2*8*10mm
~* X: z; Y* P5 d, M! _采用可编程的控制方法,3.3-5v的电源输入.其他的见数据表吧:
9 }/ R# K# K- D7 A6 I1 g# B, e$ K(............
0 E: h2 m/ R7 G; @3.2 INTERRUPT SETTINGS 5 A I2 C+ s5 V1 H3 \6 I: C4 G
Five different types of interrupts can be programmed. When the corresponding criterion
3 P ]. s+ b4 R6 wbecomes valid, the interrupt pin is triggered to a high level. All interrupt criteria are combined
. k1 [1 g2 c0 ^; hand drive the interrupt pad with an Boolean <OR> condition. & Y8 ~7 B; n6 u7 B- |/ Y( p; k( W
. B! D- Z+ A. Y6 C; Z) Z1 J3 ~5种不同类型的可编程中断。当相应的(中断)准则有效时,中断引脚被一个高电平触发。所有的中断准则都是相结合的(combined ),而且可以用布尔<OR>条件来( Boolean <OR> condition)驱动中断缓冲器。1 N) D$ @7 c8 D; ~
& |; ~& Z u8 w! S5 C6 FInterrupt generations may be disturbed by changes of EEPROM, image or other control bits
6 k! p# E2 }9 X9 Vbecause some of these bits influence the interrupt calculation. As a consequence, no write
: D* } s3 v: H4 g/ O5 Asequence should occur when microprocessor is triggered by interrupt or the interrupt should be
! w7 o! E% ?4 V }7 |. adeactivated on the microprocessor side when write sequences are operated. 7 C+ s" K7 w3 q; w
中断的产生可能被EEPROM ,image或其他控制位的改变所改变.因为其中一些控制位影响中断计算。因此,未写的(中断)时间序列应该在微处理器被其他中断触发(生效)前发生,或者微处理器应该屏蔽(后来发生的)中断当已写(中断)时间序列(write sequences)正在运行时。
# N, Q% ^& i/ {. b a 6 m# G, c# {8 T+ @ M
Interrupt criteria are using digital code coming from digital filter output. As a consequence all
- _( K3 _2 u2 o8 r% @) Vthresholds are scaled with range selection (section Timings used for high acceleration
" b1 J1 F" j tand low acceleration debouncing are absolute values (1 LSB of HG_dur and LG_dur registers + M" y! d) \; M- `2 p( Q+ s1 [
corresponds to 1 millisecond, timiming accuracy is proportional to oscillator accuracy = +/-10%),
' x! C9 s) s' T8 `; hthus it does not depend on selected bandwidth. Timings used for any motion interrupt and alert , c3 w4 H% I. D% H+ w% H2 Z9 O
detection are proportional to bandwidth settings (section 3.1.3).
+ e% U* ~+ O7 F* Q+ F3 R" H中断准则使用的数字代码来自数字滤波器输出。因此所有阈值的设置都由量程选择开关来界定(section ) 。用于高加速度和低加速度之间的去抖timiming是绝对值( HG_dur和LG_dur寄存器的一个最小可分辨信号(correspond to)相当于1毫秒, timiming的准确性于振荡器精度成正比= + / -10 % ) , 因此,它并不依赖于选定的带宽。用于motion中断位和alert规则的timiming正比于带宽设置(section 3.1.3 )
. [1 j! w6 C/ r. }+ M)
( I( j' M, p+ b- h. V; Y& [3 W这是本人接的一个翻译活,不算什么机密,共40页,但是还没翻完,先看十页吧.发出来就是让大家看看mens系统的陀螺仪是怎么工作的!!!有兴趣的话,可以十天后下我的完整版的数据表!!! |
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