autodesk nastran for solidworks
What’s in a name? When it’s Nastran, quite a lot. As many readers of thisarticle may know, NASA originally developed the program in the late 1960s. Itenabled the accurate and efficient design and analysis of space structures, andtakes its name from the acronym for NASA STRuctural ANalysis. Today, it provides thefoundation for many advanced finite element software packages.When I first heard that Autodesk purchased NEi Software, and its flavor ofthe Nastran solver, I didn’t pay much attention since my main simulationplatform is SOLIDWORKS. Soon thereafter, I heard that they were developing anintegrated solution within SOLIDWORKS. I became interested but cautious inconsidering how well this integration would be executed and unsure about thetimetable. Well, the timetable was sooner than I expected and in this article Iwill take a look at the resulting product known as Autodesk Nastran In‐CAD forSOLIDWORKS.
autodesk nastran for solidworks,用于有限元分析的第三方插件,下面以一个实例来演示插件使用。
选择这个选项卡,会发现autodesk nastran分析界面,与solidworks simulation分析界面相似。
对比下solidworks simulation夹具对话框
开始分析,autodesk nastran会显示求解过程
Autodesk Nastran in-CAD offers a very powerful FEA tool to users who want the benefit of ease of geometry creation with Autodesk Nastran’s ability to abstract loads and boundary conditions beyond what is represented by the solid model geometry. Some flaws I discovered, such as geometry/FEA associativity, may already be addressed in the next version, which is now available.
The compromise with many CAD-embedded FEA tools is that the analysis tool is limited in its physics capabilities and gives the user limited access to the fundamental architecture of FEA: nodes, elements and boundary conditions. When needed, the Autodesk Nastran In-CAD product offers a transparent view of these details. Many users will find that this better aids the understanding of an FEA model from geometry creation to solver. Any discussion of FEA model accuracy has to start with how well the model is understood by the engineer, and this product represents a unique offering in this area.
Autodesk Nastran In‐CAD for SOLIDWORKS is an interesting product that brings integrated CAD/FEA tools to a new level. The combination of a proven multi-physics engine like Autodesk Nastran, coupled with the geometry-modeling engine of SOLIDWORKS, has the potential to set the tone for advanced CAD-embedded finite element analysis.
autodesk nastran是个强大的工具,与solidworks集成的插件是个有趣的产品,这样有限元模型与实体模型几何关联,几何形状的变化会及时反馈。原先只有solidworks simulation才会在几何形状变化时重新定义载荷与边界条件,现在autodesk nastran这个第三方插件也同样如此。
autodesk nastran for solidworks的前世今生
NEiWorks是nei nastran提供给solidworks用户的一个嵌入式的有限元建模工具。自2004年引入solidworks,它的特点是完全无缝集成于solidworks界面上的设计和分析。关于NEi 软件公司是NEI Nastran的有限元分析(FEA),工程仿真,虚拟测试软件的全球供应商。 工程师的数字原型,图像,等高线图,图表深入了解,以及线性和非线性结构应力,变形,动力学,振动,运动学,冲击,传热和流体动力学(流体力学动画)模拟。公司创始人花费4年时间重写nastran代码,使其可以运行于windows系统,于上个世纪90年代创立nei nastran。目前,NASTRAN的商业版本有MSC软件公司的MSC.Nastran、NEi软件公司的NEi Nastran以及西门子PLM软件公司的NX Nastran。NEi Nastran是一个功能强大的,能适合多种计算意图的有限元分析工具,它与用户图形界面和模型编辑器集成在一起,可以分析线性和非线性应力、动力学、结构和机械部件的热传递特性。NEi Nastran代表了市场上最新的有限元技术,它也是计算速度最快的有限元程序之一,它的计算精度经过各行业近20年的验证。NEi Nastran可以在各种平台上运行,可以在32位和64位Windows是运行,也可以在Linux操作系统上运行。
2014年5月,autodesk公司收购nei软件公司,随之nei nastran更名为autodesk nastran,neiworks更名为autodesk neistran for solidworks。 与 Solidworks自带的 Simulation比较有什么优缺点? 某宝上有中文版的,不过英文也没那么复杂
autodesk nastran2016 for solidworks 插件_lz064位版本
autodesk nastran2016 独立程序_lz0 64位版本 密码:dtba