寂静天花板 发表于 2014-12-20 08:33:13

solidworks纤维织物面料设计解决方案: ExactFlat插件

对于大多数的设计师相关的面料设计的任务往往造成以下问题:断开的过程-文件必须从一个CAD系统中被导入到另一个完成织物设计,数据的完整性不可避免的损失和限制机遇,加快下游活动从上游的投入。复杂的工作流程 -电脑功能的数码工作流程往往是由手工流程(例如创建平板型式,成本),这会降低整体的设计速度,限制你的灵活性,并能增加你的成本中断。可怜的协作 -各种生产技能跨这就限制了团队协作,也独立平台的传播,需要多个产品许可证的维护。这些挑战增添了大量的时间,金钱和精力,限制了非常元素,减弱了你的竞争优势:固定的成本控制,灵活的生产,并简化设计过程。
最后 - 也许是最重要的 - 这些正在使用的面料设计的CAD工具仅仅适合于手头的任务,但效果不佳或多年没有明显发展。领先的实体建模的3D CAD软件包中含有丰富的特性和功能,但它们用于工业面料设计就没了优势,而缝制产品在一般情况下,和许多3D CAD为基础的专为工业面料开发的工具都不是最好的解决方案。
ExactFlat是这类市场需求上的第一款产品,整合3D设计,3D到2D展开成平板形式,排版套料,并与SolidWorks 3D CAD软件的costing成本计算相结合。看看下面的演示,以得到一个完整的表述:

ExactFlat允许SolidWorks设计人员:在SolidWorks的范围内开展工作 -集成在一起,功能上实现定义参数化和三维设计完全挂钩,以2D展开模式,以排版套料和成本分析。合作与设计团队 -设计,数据和创造力是在一个平台上,带来卓越的速度和灵活性,以面料设计,原型和生产。提高工作效率在几分钟内准备好平板模式- -而不是几天或几周-采用最先进的算法,用于工业面料中的软件工具,你已经知道了, -把你的3D设计直接投入生产。尽量减少材料成本 -集成自动化排版套料。现在你可以从CAD到机床更方便地,比以往任何时候都更快。凭借这些优势,ExactFlat帮助制造商提高劳动生产率和​​实现30-50%盈利能力。
ExactFlat帮助领先的,创新的制造商在整个行业广泛在更短的时间完成更多的工作,其中包括:·      汽车及运输的座椅和内饰:座椅,方向盘和换档把手盖,扶手,顶棚,地毯,行李箱衬垫,绝缘·      海洋:休息,帆布比米尼上衣,盖,船体,帆·      家具:办公,商业和住宅·      服装:裤子,衬衫,帽子,鞋子,手套,工作服,技术,压缩服装·      工业设备及技术产品:工业包装和封面,工业衬里,军事装备·      复合材料产品:船体,汽车部件,涡轮机叶片等。·      充气:热空气和气象气球,工业气球,充气建筑物,充气的气囊,充气营销产品·      其他:箱包,手袋及配件,帐篷,遮篷,医疗柔软的物品,薄膜,保护膜,包装图形,运动器材,商业遮阳帘,标牌和横幅,显示器,防弹衣,战术装备,头盔,消费产品和电器盖,建筑结构,屋面,以及更多...
ExactFlat Design Studio3D设计直接考虑到生产就绪的平板模式中采用了先进的算法中的客户已经在使用的软件工具。材料成本最小化,集成自动化套料。而且,排版套料可以集成到solidworks中并参与3D设计。部分组件的定义和整个的设计,扁平化,模式,鸟巢和成本挂钩。功能更改通过设计,原型和产品流程自动传播。

补充内容 (2015-12-22 21:01):
13楼现有试用版网盘下载,聚拢人气,就有高人来研究激活的事了 :-)

mrplplplpl 发表于 2014-12-20 08:54:07

谢谢楼主的帖子, 学习了

山水郎 发表于 2014-12-21 16:33:32


寂静天花板 发表于 2015-2-18 12:50:45


寂静天花板 发表于 2015-4-21 08:14:52





寂静天花板 发表于 2015-4-24 21:51:58



寂静天花板 发表于 2015-5-16 07:06:20

新西兰Aerosport Aviation公司使用Exactfalt插件设计飞机座椅

Although Aerosport Modeling & Design, Inc.’sproduct development, prototyping, and manufacturing services has deep roots in aviation, Aerosport has worked with thousands of satisfied clients in the automotive, medical, electronic, military, aviation, toy, and consumer products industries. The firm produces high-quality prototypes, appearance models, working models, and machined parts, and also serves as an extension to its clients’ design and engineering teams.
Aerosport owner Geoff Coombs cities ongoing investments in research and the latest design, prototyping, and manufacturing technologies as critical to the company’s growth, competitiveness, and success. While Aerosport began as a prototype model shop working primarily in the custom model airplane industry, its business soon grew into design, prototyping, and manufacturing services for a range of other industries, operations for which it needed a robust 3D CAD solution.
简单介绍新西兰Aerosport Aviation公司,多用途超短起降轻型飞机制造商,公司需要一个完全的3DCAD解决方案。

When we started handling work that went far beyond model airplanes—such as medical devices and automotive fixtures—we needed to add an effective design and engineering capability,” Combs recalls. “I asked around and decided to evaluate the Pro/ENGINEER® and SOLIDWORKS® 3D CAD packages. Once I started working with demo copies of the software, it became obvious that SOLIDWORKS had a better interface, was more intuitive, and was easier to use.

“Acquiring SOLIDWORKS Professional design software turned out to be the right decision because more and more of our customers use SOLIDWORKS, which makes collaboration much more efficient,” Combs adds. “We recently added the SOLIDWORKS Composer™ package to automate the development of instruction manuals.”
显然,购买solidworks专业设计软件被证明是个正确的决定。最近公司又增加了solidworks composer用于改进产品说明书的策划。

While Aerosport realized significant productivity gains by implementing SOLIDWORKS design software, allowing the company to take advantage of a range of new business opportunities, there was one area of its traditional business that required an additional solution: providing upholstery services for aircraft and automotive seats, including both prototypes and final products.

“Once we began working on the interiors of cars and planes, we needed to upholster seats,” Combs explains. “Upholstering a seat began as a completely manual process for us. To create patterns, we would draw sew lines on the foam seat bun with black magic marker, pin a sheet of cotton over the bun under a piece of drafting mylar, and follow the black marker lines to notch the pattern, adding salvage before sewing it up on our sewing machine. That was a time-consuming process for which we needed a better solution.”

Combs was researching upholstery-related applications when a supplier suggested the ExactFlat® Design Studio 3D-to-2D flattening application, for use on composites, industrial fabrics, leathers, and other types of technical textiles, from SOLIDWORKS Gold Solution Partner Tri-D Technologies, Inc.
供应商建议使用ExactFlat® Design Studio的从3D到2D的展开应用,这个插件是solidworks的黄金合作伙伴。

Using the combination of SOLIDWORKS and ExactFlat software, Aerosport has replaced its manual seat-pattern-making upholstery process with an automated digital approach. The process begins with scanning the seat foam bun, or acquiring a model of it from the manufacturer, to create a 3D solid model in SOLIDWORKS software. Combs then creates the pattern for the seat upholstery using Exact Flat from inside SOLIDWORKS software.
“The new digital approach is much better than doing it by hand,” Combs stresses. “Creating a seat pattern used to take a week or longer, depending on the complexity of the seat. With SOLIDWORKS and ExactFlat, we can finish a pattern in an hour. This solution is saving time and money, as well as enabling us to increase throughput.”

Because SOLIDWORKS and Exact Flat automate the creation of upholstery patterns, Aerosport has cut its time-to-market by 50 percent and reduced upholstery production costs by 30 percent. The combined solution has also enabled the company to increase its seat pattern accuracy, resulting in material savings through ExactFlat nesting capabilities and an improved finish, particularly when working with the latest generation of seat designs.
“With newer, more complex seats, we used to add a layer of foam along the sides to make the upholstery fit,” Combs notes. “SOLIDWORKS and ExactFlat have improved our pattern accuracy to the extent that we no longer have to add any foam. I’m amazed at how well our patterns now sew together. SOLIDWORKS and ExactFlat have really helped us to streamline the process.”
SolidWorks和ExactFlat提高我们的模式精度,我们再也不用添加任何泡沫的程度。我很惊讶于我们现在的模式如何缝在一起。 SolidWorks和ExactFlat确实帮助我们简化了这个过程。“

In addition to automating seat upholstery operations, the combination of SOLIDWORKS design and Exact Flat flattening solutions supports other projects requiring patterns or coatings. For example, Aerosport used the solution to develop the pattern for a de-icing sheet used to prevent ice buildup on high-flying drone aircraft.
“Using SOLIDWORKS and Exact Flat on the drone de-icing sheet project helped us enhance accuracy,” Combs points out. “Even though we mainly use the combined solution for seat upholstery, we expect it to come in handy for any designs that require a flat pattern, such as applying composite or fiberglass lay-ups in a model.”
“对无人机除冰板项目中使用SolidWorks和精确扁平帮助我们提高精度,”梳子指出。 “虽然我们主要使用的座椅装饰的组合解决方案,我们希望它派上用场的要求展开模式的任何设计,如应用复合材料或玻璃纤维上篮中的典范。”

寂静天花板 发表于 2015-8-4 18:31:34



姚凯machine 发表于 2015-8-5 13:16:56


manmaxiaowei 发表于 2015-8-19 12:56:13

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