人家突然问我,凯斯是谁?有一个家伙了解勒图尔勒的,问俺,是勒图尔勒厉害,还是凯斯厉害,哈哈, 本帖最后由 xlf63 于 2014-5-27 16:44 编辑
本帖最后由 希傲 于 2014-5-27 16:56 编辑
俺不是业内人士,百度一下后才了解一点点,有这么久历史的公司业内人士不了解就说不过去了。:P 这些非大批量量产的巨型家伙。车间用空调吗?
目测不会用。 以前公司有人讲,以后就是模块化设计,根本用不着设计怎么计算与了解,工作会很轻松。俺当时就想,那东西怎么个原理都不是太清楚,关键使用点都不明白,您怎么能最大限度的发挥这个东东的最大优势呢,那种想法就是自欺欺人。 现在,真的越来越没落了
最基础的维修故障,书上写的明明白白的,没人去看书 houbaomin0620 发表于 2014-5-27 17:01 static/image/common/back.gif
以前公司有人讲,以后就是模块化设计,根本用不着设计怎么计算与了解,工作会很轻松。俺当时就想,那东西怎 ...
大侠说了一个重要的东西 换成文章就是综述 不了解历史 谈不上创新 case new holland?
从玩蒸汽农机开始到世界领导地位的中小型工程机械。回头去找找电影看。 zerowing 发表于 2014-5-27 22:08 static/image/common/back.gif
case new holland?
Ralph H. Kress, “The Father Of The Off-Highway Truck,” spent almost fifty years designing and developing mining trucks.His ideas are still evident in the configuration of mine haulage trucks at surface mines throughout the world.In 1930, working as a highway truck salesman in New England, Ralph Kress designed an automatic clutch for his Packard car, received a patent, and drove it for 35,000 miles without incident.Bill Crawford, VP Engineering at General Motors, recognized Ralph’s ability and suggested that he get an engineering degree, so he could fully realize his potential.From 1933 through 1939, Ralph attended night school at M.I.T.After receiving his degree, he began working for G.M.When the war began, he went to Washington as a G.M. representative.In March of 1943, Ralph Kress received a commission in the Transportation Corps.For his exceptional war efforts, he was awarded the “Legion of Merit, 军团勋章” which states “foresight, initiative, perseverance, and aggressive action marked the valuable duty accomplishments of Major Kress in skillfully producing improved cargo hauling equipment of vital need to the military effort.”In 1950, Ralph Kress became General Manager of the Dart Company. There he was the first to rely exclusively on full power steering, a basic requirement for larger trucks.His Dart 75-TA rear-dump hauled 75 tons, the largest truck at that time.The front axle, with four front tires, was suspended in the center on the first off-highway oleo-pneumatic suspension, a revolutionary advance that replaced leaf springs.During Ralph’s Dart tenure, through 1955, Dart increased its sales six times, and no mining truck other than a Dart was sold west of the Mississippi during his last two years with the company.In December 1955 as a consultant to WABCO, now Komatsu, Ralph Kress configured a truck incorporating the most efficient components available at the time, recognizing that tires are not suspensions, driver comfort is essential, and reducing shock loads on structures enhances efficient design.To accomplish this, he incorporated a short wheelbase with a high angle of turn and a deep, sloped, flat body.In 1957, the first 32-ton Haulpaks were delivered along with 75-ton tractor-trailer coal haulers using the 32-ton Haulpaks as tractors.Haulpaks soon increased in size and became the truck of choice at many large surface mines.In 1962, Ralph Kress joined Caterpillar, where he developed a line of 85-ton, 105-ton, and 240-ton electric drive trucks, again pointing the way to the future.After retiring from Caterpillar in 1969, Ralph joined his son Ted Kress, who had started Kress Corporation four years earlier.There, he developed the Kress unitized bottom-dump coal hauler, featuring a long wheelbase with two axles and four tires on each axle for improved stability and safety and 90 degree steering on the front axle, giving exceptional maneuverability.Ralph Kress was without question the preeminent designer of mining trucks during his years in the business.His innovative 1957 design for the WABCO Haulpak was recognized even in 1998 at the “Haulage 2000” Conference as the “Truck Configuration of the Future.”