不是太明白,还请指教 堵不是办法,先引导,把泄露的石油控制到最低才是可行的,现在海洋都成油库了!!! 堵是肯定不行,一旦地壳稍有动静又会原油泄漏,照这个卸流量不知道是否有足够大型的抽油泵。 链接的网页是音频么?
我的画面怎么不动……【我没有耳塞之类的东西】 BP公司的灭顶法(Top kill)用了450立方的泥浆、金属碎片,都没有盖住,都被冲走了。 回复 5# leftwall
可能现在停了,我早上看还看到机械手在操作。 中国网络电视台消息(中国新闻):在宣布“灭顶法”失败之后,英国石油公司执行董事戴德立30号表示,只有“减压井”才能彻底终结漏油。
戴德立说,要彻底解决问题只能靠打“减压井”,但两口正在施工中的减压井大约需两个月才能完工。这就意味着,在“减压井”完工之前,各种堵漏尝试只能“减轻痛苦”,不能“清除病根”。他表示,最新的方案是用防漏罩控制漏油量,这需要4到7天才能看到成效。 BP Moves Forward On Efforts To Capture Oil(英石油公司已把重点目标转移到漏油的回收处理上)
Oil giant BP has started sawing through the bent pipe that sits atop the Deepwater Horizon well spewing oil and gas at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said Tuesday.
The move is a key step in the latest effort to capture the oil and gas leaking into the Gulf.
Allen, the national incident commander, made it clear that other BP ideas to plug the well — including another blowout preventer that could be put atop the broken one and a valve that could be installed there — are off the table.
"I think the first thing to understand is we're not talking about capping the well anymore(不再讨论封井)," he said. "We're talking about containing the well."
That involves capturing the oil and gas that comes out of the well and piping it to the surface. Capping the well from above is too risky. It turns out that the well pipe under the seabed is possibly in much worse shape than BP realized before it tried the ultimately unsuccessful top kill maneuver.
"We don't want to restrict the flow and put pressure down that well bore, because I don't think we know the condition of it given the results of the top kill data we got back," Allen said.
Plugging the well at the top could end up forcing oil and gas out the sides of the well and into the ocean, which would be much harder to deal with than a gushing pipe. So, the plan is to capture the oil from the pipe.
To do that, BP is first going to chop off the bent pipe at the top of the well, coming out of the blowout preventer. That will actually increase the flow of oil — BP says by 10 percent; Allen says quite possibly by more.
"We could see, during that period before the cap goes on, a 20 percent increase in oil flow," Allen said. "And we have discussed with ... mitigating measures regarding undersea dispersant used and so forth, as we move forward to try mitigate the impacts."
That could spew for 24 to 36 hours or longer, but at some point BP plans to lower a gadget over the freshly cut pipe to capture the flow and convey it to the surface. Allen says they have two connecting devices to choose from, depending on how clean the pipe cut turns out to be: One has a rubber seal; the other one a loose fit.
"I don't want to trivialize it, but it's kind of like the difference between having a garden hose with a rubber gasket in it or not," Allen said.
The well will flow until at least August(打好减压井至少要在8月,之前漏油还将继续), which is when BP hopes to pump cement into the bottom of it from a second well. As a result, BP is now working on a plan so its oil-capture system will work regardless of the weather, which could be a challenge in the form of the hurricane season that started Tuesday. 堵不如疏,BP从一开始就走入歧途,在1500余米深的海底,本身的水压已经大得难以置信,而石油仍旧可以漏出,可见地层下的压力更大,怎么能够简单地堵得住。现在倒好,已经花费了十亿美元的堵漏成本,当前股市下跌又损失200多亿,再加上老米的天价索赔,BP离破产不远了。